Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Presonal statement Essay

I intend to major in communication because of my penchant interest for news and communications, the process of gathering information and relaying it to the public. News forms an important part of the public life. Through it people base most of their decisions and even emotions. Whenever my friends hear the news, they either feel happy or sad. The facts that are presented by the news anchor and the way it is presented affects the way they react to it. News casters and news writers have a certain power of influencing and affecting the views of the people regarding a certain topic. The way they communicate is enchanting and impressive. In this regard, I want to major in Communication because I want to discover how they make such an intimate connection to the public and I also want to learn how I can effectively communicate with other people. Moreover, I have deep interest for communication through this process one learns more about the world and other people. Through proper communication, dreams could become realities. My interest for communication was enhanced when I became a junior sales girl for a telecommunications company. My job required proper communication with clients in order to establish good public relations for the company. The job was very interesting and engaging. It gave me an avenue to improve my communication skills and at the same time discover and develop proper ways of dealing with clients and other people. The experience made me realize that there are certain ways of communicating with prospective clients or customers. As a new employee, I hardly knew how to handle the job smoothly. I was regularly reminded by my supervisors on what to do and how to sell the product to the customers. At first, I did not do well. I committed several mistakes and was even reprimanded by my boss. However, I did not let such experience get the better of me. I learned from my mistakes and continuously improved on my sales skills. Eventually, I was able to execute the job properly and professionally. In my two months stay with the company, I realized that not all clients are the same. There is certain formula that should be used for a particular client. There are customers who are very particular while others are very lax. In this regard, the clients should be dealt with based on their particularities and whims. The goal is to satisfy them with the services that being provided. The best way of completing this goal is to understand what they actually want or need and address them completely. Providing adequate information and professional dealing with clients are necessary for anyone trying to sell a product. Aside from my experience with in selling products, my school activities also served as motivation for me to be interested in communication. Throughout my secondary school, I was involved in many extracurricular activities. I used to plan for several functions and events and such task required me to talk with people from different fields. This experience made me realize the importance of knowing how to properly communicate my thoughts. Had I not known how to express myself, my ideas and opinions on certain matters involving the events I planned for, I could have not fulfilled my task satisfactorily. When I entered college, I was again involved in many extra curricular activities. However, unlike my secondary school experience, my extracurricular activities in college had greater impact on me and my desire to study Communication. I was assigned to man a committee of the event. The Chairman instructed me on what to do and I, in turn, directed my committee members. All the while, I thought I was on the right track. I only discovered that I misunderstood the instruction when the Chairman saw our work. Due to such mistake, my group had to redo all the work. I felt so guilty for the inconvenience that my group mates experienced and not to mention the work load put to waste. Had I understood properly the instructions, none of it could have happened. This incident made me realize the importance of properly communicating instructions. Communication is not a one way process. It works in such a way that both parties need to listen and comprehend what one telling the other. Communication works best when one listens while the other talks and if something is unclear, it should be clarified after the one giving instructions has finished talking. My employment in the telecommunications company and school experience have thought me a lot about communication however, I believe that my experience are insufficient to teach me all the things I need to learn about communication. It is my contention that the field of communication is a very broad world and there is a lot to learn and benefit from it. In the future, I would like to be a public relations officer of the government. Like I have mentioned in the beginning, public relations is very important as it influences the views of public on certain facts, issues and organizations. In my home country, the image of our government becomes worse day after day. I think one of the reasons is the exercise by the government of poor public relations. In this regard, I would like to learn how I could improve the image of my country through the aid of public relations. I believe that being a part of the University of California, I can enhance my knowledge on communication and public relations and eventually become a key player to my country’s success. I am a very patient and determined individual. In everything I do, I give my best and do whatever it takes to achieve my goals. Right now, I believe that I could achieve my goal of helping improve the image of my country through getting a quality education in a prestigious university. I believe that through my determination and the excellent teaching in the University of California, I could someday attain my goal. I also believe that my deep interest for music and communication will aid me in building a good future. Music, like communication has the capacity to influence people, if properly executed. Moreover, just like music, the goal of producing quality tone would be useless if a good foundation for understanding notes is missing. In any field, a good educational foundation is necessary and I believe only the University of California can provide me with such excellent foundation.

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