Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Key Characteristics of Natural Knibbles Orientation Program Essay - 1

Key Characteristics of Natural Knibbles Orientation Program - Essay Example The researcher states that since the organization was trying to expand its markets by penetrating into new markets and improving on its profit margins, this required modifying its human resource strategies as well. The main focus was given on improving on employee productivity and performance by making them more efficient. Thus the orientation program was also found to be characterized by changes in the existing equipment and systems and changes in the production processes. The orientation program also demonstrates a training centric approach taken by the management to help employees adapt to the new work structures, equipment, work procedures, and processes. The objective was to equip employees with optimum resources and technologies so that they could use them efficiently and yield the result that was desired in the organization. This is because the new strategic direction that Natural Knibbles had undertaken required the organization’s workforce to attain a greater and a hi gher performance level, Thus it is seen that all key activities of the company were aimed towards aligning organizational functioning with its long-term objectives. Since both Kane and Liza were new in the organization, they were required to be made aware of the organizational goals and objectives clearly before they were introduced to the work procedures. More importantly, they needed to be acclimatized with the work culture existing within the organization and adapt themselves to the same. In other words, they required proper induction training in which they would be informed about the employer’s business, the various terms and conditions of their services and clear idea about the duties and responsibilities that they would have to deliver. Since Kane was without any tertiary qualification, on the job training would be the optimum best option for him. However, this would have to be an experienced instructor who would be only involved with every small detail and requirements in the process. The buddy system does not appear to be optimum because although he would have the requisite knowledge and experience about the job, he would also have his own set of regular responsibilities.

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