Monday, October 28, 2019

Little Red Riding Hood Essay Example for Free

Little Red Riding Hood Essay In 1814 Gordon Bryson wrote a poem about the timelessness, and grace of a unnamed women. She walks in Beauty describes the inner and outer beauty of a women. Gordon Bryon was noted as a moral disgrace as he wedded his half sister, and various women (Clugston, 2010). In the lyric poem She walks in Beauty, Byron used metaphors like raven tress, and climes, and starry skies to describe her long jet black hair, and her elegance. A lyric poem is a brief poem that expresses feelings and imagination; its melody and emotion create a dominant, unified impression (Clugston, 2010). In this essay, I will explore how Bryson uses metaphors, and images like light, and darkness to set the tone in She walks in Beauty. In the first stanza in She walks in Beauty, lines one, and two â€Å"She walks in beauty, like the night† does not ends with any puncuation, or pause at the end because it carries over to the next sentence â€Å"Of cloudless climes and starry skies† (Clugston, 2010, 7. 1, para 2). This technique is called enjambment. A enjambment is a continuation of a thought in a line of poetry into a succeeding line, uninterapped by punctuation (Clugston, 2010, 11. , para 2). Bryon expressed how ones beauty can be viewed on a clear night with stars lining the sky. His view of her beauty, and silhouette is cosmic. She walks in Beauty is a lyric poem which express a poets thoughts and imagination, Its melody and emotion created adominant, unified impression (Clugston, 2010). The images being created in the first six lines of She walks in Beauty suggests that a womens physical appearance is classic like a polished baby grand piano dark with shinny white keys â€Å"And all that’s best of dark and bright† (Clugston, 2010, 11. , para 5). The sixth, and seventh line in the poem emphasizes the similarities between light and dark to describe her elegance. at the end of tthe different forms of symbolism used to describe the first version of Little Red Riding Hood. In the first of She walks in Beauty The content in the original and remakes of this tale is constant in each one. The Little Red Riding Hood that I remembered reading when I was a small child was told as a young woman who was following the orders of her mother to deliver some baked goods to her bedridden grandmother. The role of the wolf is the same as well; he is merely thinking of a cunning way to eat her without being caught in the process. The theme of the original Little Red Riding Hood is a tale of her entering women hood, not her taking cakes to her sick grandmother. The term theme means a representation of the idea behind the story (Clugston, 2010, 7. 1, para 2). When the story was first published in 1697, Europeans easily identified the coalition of the story; translating that act of sex. â€Å"In the French slang, when a girl lost her virginity it was said that elle [a] vu le loup—shed seen the wolf†(Clugston, 2010, 4. , para 2). In the engraving of the first tale from 1697, it shows Little Red Riding Hood partially dressed lying in the bed beneath a wolf. The tale explains how Little Red Riding Hood stripes out off her clothes at the wolves requested without question (Clugston, 2010, 4. 1, para 2). â€Å"In fact, tales such as â€Å"Red Riding Hood† and â€Å"Sleeping Beauty† were pan-European phenomena, predating even Perrault, with provenances tracing as far back as the Middle Ages and Ancient Greece. Nevertheless, Perrault’s influence on the transmission of fairy tales to many parts of the Continent was tremendous. Charles Perrault’s stories were not original creations, but collected oral material edited and fashioned by him into print† (Paradiz, 2009, p. 96). The story of Little Red Riding Hood as interpreted by Charles Perrault has Little Red Riding Hood being sent by her mother who loved her dearly to walk to the next village to deliver food to her ill grandmother. On the way to deliver the baked goods, she meets a wolf. A wolf who had not eaten in three days decides not to eat her, as there were woodcutters nearby that would hear the attack. While speaking with the wolf he tricks Little Red Riding Hood into disclosing the location of her grandmother’s cottage. As Little Red Riding Hood is a small child, the wolf took advance of her being a naive, and friendly. She disobeyed the cardinal rule that adults constantly reminders their child of: do not stop for, or talk to strangers (the irony of the story is that her mother does not tell her that speaking with strangers is wrong). The term irony is a discrepancy or contradiction that occurs between what is expected to happened and what actually happens in a situation or in an expressed statement (Clugston, 2010, 5. 5, para 3).

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