Thursday, October 31, 2019

CONTRACT LAW COURSEWORK Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

CONTRACT LAW COURSEWORK - Case Study Example In the case in question simple contract applies as there was no formal legal document executed between the two parties; rather, this case belongs to the later, a simple contract as "Contracts which are not deeds are known as simple contracts. They are informal contracts and may be made in any way - in writing, orally or they may be implied from conduct" (Introduction to, n.d., n.p.). Another distinction in this particular case is that it can further be classified as a Unilateral Contract. This is demonstrated through "A's" booking of hotel accommodations from the Scarborough Hotel (Hotel) via there website with the understanding that the two-week stay booked by "A" would be at a price of 200 pounds a night. The first area of contention arises at this point as "A" was unable to complete the transaction online and instead printed a copy of the booking and posted it. This point will be thoroughly discussed in subsequent paragraphs. The first area need to be considered is that of validit y - ensuring all the requisite elements are present to ascertain if, in fact, there was a legally binding contract. The first test of validity lies in determining if there was an offer and acceptance. The first of this two-pronged question is to ascertain if there was an unconditional offer of acceptance. When "A" inquired from the Hotel as to room availability at 300 pounds per night, Hotel responded via e-mail that they would make a room available to "A" during the timeframe request at 200 pounds per night. The question here is an online e-mail, which is a valid form of communication with regard to contractual law. Although there has been no legal ruling as to the validity of email correspondence in contractual law: "In Standard Bank Ltd. v. Bank of Tokyo [1995] 2 Lloyds Rep 169, Waller J. had to consider whether three letters of credit issued by tested telex at the instigation of a fraudster who had somehow got access to the issuing bank's tested telex department, were binding upon the issuer." (Nash, 1998) The finding here was that the use of a telex even though electronic in nature did meet the test of validity for a valid offer. That being said it would stand that the electronic offer made by the Hotel was an unconditional offer. Therefore, the first point was valid an offer had been made. "The general rule under English law is that an offer is not accepted until acceptance is communicated to the offeror." (Baker & McKenzie, n.d., n.p.) However, in this case "A" was unable to unable to send on-line booking form. Instead he filled in all the details, including the 200 pound price per night, printed the document, and posted it. Baker and McKenzie however went to on to state that "The major exception to the above general rule on acceptance concerns acceptance by post. In this case, acceptance takes place when the acceptance is posted and not when it is received by the offeror. The "postal" rule means that, even if a postal acceptance does not reach the offeror, the contract will already have been made and the offeror will be bound to perform its obligations, provided the other party can prove that it posted its letter of acceptance." (n.p., n.d.) Yates v Dalton 1938 ELD 177; (1) Cape Explosive

Monday, October 28, 2019

Little Red Riding Hood Essay Example for Free

Little Red Riding Hood Essay In 1814 Gordon Bryson wrote a poem about the timelessness, and grace of a unnamed women. She walks in Beauty describes the inner and outer beauty of a women. Gordon Bryon was noted as a moral disgrace as he wedded his half sister, and various women (Clugston, 2010). In the lyric poem She walks in Beauty, Byron used metaphors like raven tress, and climes, and starry skies to describe her long jet black hair, and her elegance. A lyric poem is a brief poem that expresses feelings and imagination; its melody and emotion create a dominant, unified impression (Clugston, 2010). In this essay, I will explore how Bryson uses metaphors, and images like light, and darkness to set the tone in She walks in Beauty. In the first stanza in She walks in Beauty, lines one, and two â€Å"She walks in beauty, like the night† does not ends with any puncuation, or pause at the end because it carries over to the next sentence â€Å"Of cloudless climes and starry skies† (Clugston, 2010, 7. 1, para 2). This technique is called enjambment. A enjambment is a continuation of a thought in a line of poetry into a succeeding line, uninterapped by punctuation (Clugston, 2010, 11. , para 2). Bryon expressed how ones beauty can be viewed on a clear night with stars lining the sky. His view of her beauty, and silhouette is cosmic. She walks in Beauty is a lyric poem which express a poets thoughts and imagination, Its melody and emotion created adominant, unified impression (Clugston, 2010). The images being created in the first six lines of She walks in Beauty suggests that a womens physical appearance is classic like a polished baby grand piano dark with shinny white keys â€Å"And all that’s best of dark and bright† (Clugston, 2010, 11. , para 5). The sixth, and seventh line in the poem emphasizes the similarities between light and dark to describe her elegance. at the end of tthe different forms of symbolism used to describe the first version of Little Red Riding Hood. In the first of She walks in Beauty The content in the original and remakes of this tale is constant in each one. The Little Red Riding Hood that I remembered reading when I was a small child was told as a young woman who was following the orders of her mother to deliver some baked goods to her bedridden grandmother. The role of the wolf is the same as well; he is merely thinking of a cunning way to eat her without being caught in the process. The theme of the original Little Red Riding Hood is a tale of her entering women hood, not her taking cakes to her sick grandmother. The term theme means a representation of the idea behind the story (Clugston, 2010, 7. 1, para 2). When the story was first published in 1697, Europeans easily identified the coalition of the story; translating that act of sex. â€Å"In the French slang, when a girl lost her virginity it was said that elle [a] vu le loup—shed seen the wolf†(Clugston, 2010, 4. , para 2). In the engraving of the first tale from 1697, it shows Little Red Riding Hood partially dressed lying in the bed beneath a wolf. The tale explains how Little Red Riding Hood stripes out off her clothes at the wolves requested without question (Clugston, 2010, 4. 1, para 2). â€Å"In fact, tales such as â€Å"Red Riding Hood† and â€Å"Sleeping Beauty† were pan-European phenomena, predating even Perrault, with provenances tracing as far back as the Middle Ages and Ancient Greece. Nevertheless, Perrault’s influence on the transmission of fairy tales to many parts of the Continent was tremendous. Charles Perrault’s stories were not original creations, but collected oral material edited and fashioned by him into print† (Paradiz, 2009, p. 96). The story of Little Red Riding Hood as interpreted by Charles Perrault has Little Red Riding Hood being sent by her mother who loved her dearly to walk to the next village to deliver food to her ill grandmother. On the way to deliver the baked goods, she meets a wolf. A wolf who had not eaten in three days decides not to eat her, as there were woodcutters nearby that would hear the attack. While speaking with the wolf he tricks Little Red Riding Hood into disclosing the location of her grandmother’s cottage. As Little Red Riding Hood is a small child, the wolf took advance of her being a naive, and friendly. She disobeyed the cardinal rule that adults constantly reminders their child of: do not stop for, or talk to strangers (the irony of the story is that her mother does not tell her that speaking with strangers is wrong). The term irony is a discrepancy or contradiction that occurs between what is expected to happened and what actually happens in a situation or in an expressed statement (Clugston, 2010, 5. 5, para 3).

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Characteristics of Pure Competition

Characteristics of Pure Competition 1.0 Introduction Basic microeconomic theory states that firms should seek to maximize profits and that this is achieved where marginal revenue is equal to marginal cost. A number of assumptions underpin this theory, including the assumptions that firms clearly understand the nature of the demand for their products, and why people buy, and that they are willing and able to control production and sales as the model demands. In reality, decision makers do not have perfect knowledge and production and sales are affected by suppliers and distributors. However, this basic theory has resulted in the development of market models and characteristics of these in respect of barriers to entry into the industry, the number of firms in the industry, whether those firms produce a standardized product or try to differentiate their products from those of other firm. At the early 1920s, only two distinct market models are present in the economic studies which are Pure Competition and Pure Monopoly. However, economist found out that most firms operate in markets that fall between the extremes of pure competition and pure monopoly. These firms do not face competition from numerous rival producers all selling a homogeneous product at a single price. Instead, most firms in the real commercial world face varying degrees of competition. In some cases, there are competitions offering more or less identical products; in other instances, firms produce and sell differentiated products. In the latter case, a competitors product is merely an attractive su bstitute. In the real commercial world, there may be numerous competitor, or there may be only a few other sellers in a given market. The need of for a more accurate world for markets of this type of this type led to the development of imperfect market to refer to such markets. Imperfect competition refers to markets lying in between the two extreme forms of markets, pure competition and pure monopoly. In order to bridge the gap of these extreme forms of market structure, two economists, Joan Robinson of Cambridge University of England and Edward Chamberlin of Harvard University in the U.S.A., introduced independently a third market world to explain and illustrate the theory of imperfect competition in the year of 1993. In other words, their model of market organization is what as refer as monopolistic competition. As a result of the variations between the markets present, four distinct market structures are introduced: Pure Competition, Pure Monopoly, Monopolistic competition, and Oligopoly. Pure Competiton Pure Competition is a rarity as such as a theoretical market model. Pure competition involves a very large number of firms producing a standardized, non differentiated product that is exactly identical to that of other firms as perfectly competitive. Pure Competition is a market which firms will only make normal profits, the amount required for them to stay in the industry. In Pure Competition market there are no major barriers to entry into the industry so new firms can enter or exit the industry very easily. If a Pure Competition market reaches a situation which supply exceeds demand then the ruling market price is forced down and only the efficient firms survive. Monopolistic competition Monopolistic competition is characterized by a relatively large number of sellers producing differentiated products such as clothing, furniture and books. However, as there are once more no major barriers to entry the above situation concerning profits applies in terms of long run. Newcomers increase supply and although those firms with distinctive products can charge some premium they will still have to move in line with market prices generally, which made the price takers. This will have a dampening effect on profits the firms gained. Monopoly Pure monopoly is a market structure in which one firm is the sole seller of a product or service. Only a small number or even one large firm is dominant and constitutes the entire industry. Pure monopoly is a real opportunity for supernatural profits, in excess of what is required to stay in business since the entry of additional firms is blocked or the barrier is high to entry. Monopolist produces a unique product that the firms make no effort to differentiate its product. Only in monopoly, excess profits could be made if government did not act as a restraint but under normal circumstances their actions in terms of supply and pricing are monitored and regulated. Oligopoly Oligopoly involves only a small number of large firms of an identical or similar product. This situation resulted in each of the firms tend to be wary of each other as rivals and the prices are held back to some extent for a fear of losing the market share. Firms are interdependent and fear that a price decrease will be met by competitors and price increases will not. There are two types of oligopoly, depending on whether opportunities exist for significant differentiation. In all of these models competition is a major determinant of profit potential and therefore objectives must be set with competitors in mind. The firms that we have chosen for this assignment are Tesco Astro Kaspersky Lab Weng Yeang Hang Malaysia Nescafe Carlsberg Cavenzi Air Asia Coca-cola Indah Water consortium Bhd Maxis Face To Face Petronas Gas GSCinemas Brands Outlet Nike Casio Tenaga National Bhd Logitech Telekom Malaysia Bhd 2.0. Pure Competition Characteristics of Pure Competition There are few characteristic of pure competition. One of the characteristic is large number of small sellers in this market. Therefore, the action of any single seller does not have a significant effect on other sellers in the market. Also, it is assumed that many buyers and resources (particularly capital) can easily be transferred into and out of the industry. Secondly, there is no product differentiation in pure competition concept. All firm sell identical products. In other words, all products are completely standardized product in this concept. There are numerous firms in pure competition; each one is so small a part of the market that it cannot alter the market price by selling a little more or little less of its own output. Thirdly, pure competition has been used to refer to markets in which firms are price takers historically. Any firm in a market will be price takers accordance to four conditions; 1. All of firm in the market are producing an identical produce; 2. There a la rge number of firms exist in the market; 3. Each firm supplies only a very small portion of the total amount supplied to the market; 4. No barriers limit in the entry or exit in the market. Weng Yeang Hang Malaysia Sdn Bhd Products Weng Yeang Hang Malaysia Sdn Bhd supplies agricultural goods and food products. Justification After I studied market model of pure competition, I have realized pure competition is relatively rare in the real world market; this market model is highly relevant. I founded that Weng Yeong Hang Malaysia Sdn Bhd has the characteristic of the closest firm to a pure competition market structure. One of the factors Wenf Yeong Hang Malaysia Sdn Bhd belonged to Pure Competition market is that there is a very large number of independently acting sellers who also sells agricultural goods and food product, often proposing their products in international markets. The product supplied by this firm is standardized or identical. If the price is the same, consumers will be unconcerned about which seller to buy the product from. Besides that, new firms can freely entry and existing firms can freely leave purely competitive industries. Lastly, this firm may is a price taker due to this firm exerts no major control over product price. Each firm produces such a minor portion of total output that gr owing or diminishing its output will not clearly influence total supply or, therefore, produce price. 3.0 Monopolistic Competition Characteristics of Monopolistic Competition One of the characteristic of Monopolistic Competition is that there are many numbers of firms in the industry producing and selling a slightly but yet differentiated product in terms of brand, quality, location, services and other factors. Firms which operate under Monopolistic Competition normally have no control over the price of the product. In a Monopolistic Competition market, the barriers to entry to industry are easy and non price competition with advertising, brand names, trademarks etc to boost their respective ruling over a certain market. Many producers in Monopolistic Competition sell products that areÂÂ  differentiatedÂÂ  from one another as goods but they are not perfectÂÂ  substitutes for that certain product which is similar to it.ÂÂ   Kaspersky Lab Products Kaspersky Labs products for home and home office are specifically designed software to provide hassle-free and quality protection against viruses, worms and other malicious programs, as well as hacker attacks, spam and spyware Justification Kaspersky Lab is considered as a firm operating in the monopolistic competition market structure because there are many firms providing different types of antivirus software in Malaysia. From a roughly estimated report on the internet regarding the numbers of antivirus software present in the current market, there are 10 to 15 antivirus software firms which are selling antivirus software. Even though each of these products shared the same purpose of defending against malwares, but there is still an element of differentiation in each of the products itself. Kaspersky Lab is selling many differentiated products which is claimed to be substitutable products but not perfectly substitutable with antivirus firm by other competitors. For example, customers will choose different brand of antivirus as they please. The antivirus industry is easy to entry and exit because the antivirus software that are easy to be replaced by another substitutes and the cost production are lesser compare to the products produced in the monopoly and oligopoly market structures. Nescafe Products Nescafe produces a combination of freeze-dried coffee granules, coffee bean and instant coffee all in one powder. Justification Nescafe is considered as a firm operating in the monopolistic competition market structure because there are many brand of firms is selling instant coffee powder in Malaysia like Power Root and Ah Huat White Coffee. Nescafe is selling a varieties of differentiated products which is claimed to be substitutable products but not perfectly substitutable with coffee drink by other competitors. For examples, there are many brands of instant coffee powder with different packaging, ingredient of the product and price. There are independent action means with numerous of coffee firms in an industry, and each firm can determine its own pricing policy without considering the possible reactions of rival firms. Nescafe are no personal selling because the product is of low unit value and do not have they own chain of retail stores. Cavenzi Products Cavenzi is a company to sell low price and many type of furniture Justification Cavenzi is considered operating in the monopolistic competition market structure because there are many brand of firm also selling furniture in Malaysia. Cavenzi is selling many differentiated products which is claimed to be substitutable products but not perfectly substitutable with furniture by other competitors. For examples, it had many brand of furniture just different package, design, ingredient of product and price. There are Independent action means with numerous of furniture firm in an industry, and each firm can determine its own pricing policy without considering the possible reactions of rival firms. Coca-cola Company Products Coca-Cola produces a variety of soft drinks and refreshment beverages. Justification Coca-cola Company is considered operating in the monopolistic competition market structure because there are large numbers of soft drink dealer in Asia. Based on the current Asia market, it is roughly estimated that there are 10 or more firms are selling soft drinks. Coca-cola is selling many differentiate products which is claimed to be respond to customer requirements. However, among all the soft drink, each of them may have some differentiated attributes to their product. For example, the soft drinks are differentiated by different packaging or creativity advertising. There are some but within rather narrow limits due to the changes of price are no cause big effects to their consumer. Moreover, the condition of entry the market those are relatively easy because the cost of production quit lower and that can product many at same time. Coca-Cola Company considerable emphasis on advertising, brand names trademarks as the creative advertising released by Coca-Cola Company profound att ention to the public. Compare with another soft drink their different of taste and ingredient to making price competition in the market. Face To Face Products Face To Face provided noodle as its main product and there also got sell drinks, fried rice and snacks as like restaurant. Justification Face To Face is considered operating in the monopolistic competition market structure because there are large numbers of restaurant selling in Asia. Fact To Face is selling differentiated products to be perfectly substitutable with restaurants sold by other competitors. For example, if restaurant are full slot and customer has choice go to Face To Face and older food as their like. However, among all the restaurants, each of them may have some differentiated attributes to their product. For example, restaurants have different packaging or some has delivery services. There is some but within rather narrow limits due to the changes of price are no cause big effects to their consumer. Moreover, the condition of entry the market those are relatively easy because the cost of production quit lower and that can product many at same time. Face To Face have its own pricing policy and it considerable emphasis on advertising, brand names trademarks as they are promote many economic food to attr act their product from public. It will consider price competition with other restaurant. Brands Outlet Products Brands Outlet is one of a brand under Padini Holdings Bhd. They offer a variety of brands, styles and items for men, women and children. Another feature of Brands Outlet is that the store layout is designed to make the shopping experience easy and fun. Justification Brands outlet considered as market model of monopolistic competition because there have many other band tee in the market we know, so it consider as relatively large number of sellers. Each of band tee firm own market shares that have a comparatively small percentage of the total market and consequently has limited control over market price. They are no collusion to each firm due to restrict output and set prices are unlikely. Besides that, they always do promotion like graphic tee RM50/ 3 pieces due to product differentiation to do some control over price. The consumers will pay for it to satisfy their preferences. Nike Products Nike is known by every teenager or sporty guy. We mostly recognize this brand though to the sport shoes. They also developed some accessories for sport and tee. Justification Nike considered as a market model of monopolistic competition due to few factors. The first factor is that the Nike shoes industry (Nikes product mainly on sport shoes) has many competitors like Adidas and Puma which is selling similar products. Nike has its own unique design, quality of work to create a sense of differentiation in their products in order to gain the upper hand in the industry. Nike retailing store often compete mainly on the basis of location. Locations which are close to consumers like a busy street or mall. In additionally, they may advertise their produces that differs from rivals product with famous football players. Casio Products Casio produces projector, cash registers, label printer and other product that benefit to businessman. Justification Casio considered as market model of monopolistic competition because either one of product that them selling has a lot of competitors. Like categorises of watches, the rival present are Rolex, Citizen, Seiko and Skagen. Casio has small market shares in each of firm has a comparatively small percentage of the total market and consequently has limited control over market. They have its own independent action each other, with numerous firms in an industry, there is no feeling of interdependence among them. Each of they can determine its own pricing policy without considering the possible reactions of rival firms. Logitech Products Logitech provide computer peripherals that are essential to our laptop and desktop such as mouse, keyboard, speaker and microphone. Justification Logitech considered as market model of monopolistic competition because them have relatively large of number of sellers in the market. There is no collusion between Logitech to other computer peripherals firm. The presence of relatively large number of firms to restrict output and set prices us unlikely. Logitech is selling a bunch of differentiated products to be perfectly substitutable with other computer peripherals sold by other competitors. For example, if one of Logitechs mice sold out, the consumers also can choice other Logitechs mice provided in the shop. However, among all the computer peripherals, each of them may have some differentiated attributes to their product. Different packaging and performance are to be expected on other computer peripherals. There is some but within rather narrow limits due to the changes of price are no cause big effects to their consumer. Moreover, the condition of entry the market those are relatively easy because the cost of production quit l ower and that can product many at same time. Logitechs computer peripherals considerable emphasis on advertising, brand names trademarks as they are promote many computer peripherals to attract their product from public. 4.0 Pure Monopoly Characteristic of Monopoly Monopoly has extensive market control. It controls the selling side of the market. They must pay the monopoly firm if anyone wants to get the production sold by the monopoly firm. This means that the demand curve facing the monopoly is the market demand curve, they are one and the same. There is only one firm but not a lot of small firms in a monopolized industry because there are no close substitutes in the market. A monopoly often owes its monopoly status to the fact that other potential producers are prevented from entering the market. No freedom of entry here. Neither is there perfect information. A monopoly firm often has specialized information, such as patents or copyright which are not available to other potential producers. The most important aspect of being a single seller is that the monopoly seller is the market. The market demand for a good is the demand for the output produced by the monopoly. This makes monopoly a price maker, rather than a price taker. And of course, a Monopoly market structure must have a unique product with no close substitutes to be the only seller of a product. Hence, seller has full control over the market price, and also there is no need to advertise for his goods. ASTRO Products The Malaysian direct broadcast satellite (DBS) Paid TV service. It transmits digital satellite television, movie and radio to Malaysia Bruneis households. The name Astro is an acronym for All-Asian Satellite Television and Radio Operator. Since 2008, a video streaming service to mobile phone users throughout the country (Astro Mobile TV) has been offering by ASTRO and subsequently Astro B.yond Mobile. Justification ASTRO is considered as operating in the pure monopoly market structure because there are only one number of firm which provide broadcast satellite Pay TV service in Malaysia. They control the market for pay TV equipment and accessories. ASTRO has sole control over price. Besides, ASTRO is selling unique products which is claimed to be non substitutable by other firms products. For example: No other firms give services like ASTRO did, so if costumers want to get the services from ASTRO, they just have to pay them. For ASTRO subscribers, it is nothing but pay, pay and pay for everything from the day of installation and even when they decide for early termination. Late payment charges, reinstallation charges and servicing charges add on. TENAGA NASIONAL BERHAD (TNB) Products TENAGE NASIONAL BERHAD (TNB), the sole provider for electricity in Malaysia. TNB has a monopoly over the transmission and distribution of electricity in Peninsular Malaysia. TNB is responsible for electricity generation, transmission and distribution and retail supply in Peninsula Malaysia. Justification TENAGE NASIONAL BERHAD (TNB) is as considered as operating in the pure monopoly market structure because it is the only provider of electricity in Malaysia. TNB has a monopoly over the transmission and distribution of electricity in Peninsular Malaysia and it has sole control over the price. Besides, TNB is selling unique products electricity generation, transmission and distribution and retail supply in Peninsula Malaysia which is claimed to be non-substitutable by other firms products. For example: TENAGA NASIONAL BERHAD (TNB) is the only firm which provides transmission and distribution of electricity in Peninsular Malaysia. To get the transmission and distribution of electricity from TNB, all the Malaysian must pay TNB for the respective electricity supply. Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) Products The largest telecommunications provider in Malaysia which offers a comprehensive range of communication services and solutions in broadband, data and fixed-line. Justification Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) is as considered operating in the pure monopoly market structure because according to UK definition of monopoly, it says that any company holds more than 25% of the market share is consider as monopoly and Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) is the largest telecommunications provider in Malaysia which holds more than 25% of the market. Telekom has set up the fibre optic backbone in the westerm Malaysia, this allowed Telekom Malaysia to set a slighty hight than the normal price, along with the governments consent, this made Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) a price maker instead than a price taker. Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd Products Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd, a national sewerage company, owned by Minister of Finance Incorporated, is responsible for providing sewerage services, operating and maintaining over 5,750 public sewage treatment plants and 13,000km networks of sewerage pipelines. Justification Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd is as considered operating in the pure monopoly market structure because it is the only supplier of sewerage services, operating and maintaining on sewage treatment plants and pipelines in Malaysia. Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd has a monopoly over the sewerage services, operating and maintaining on sewage treatment plants and pipelines in Malaysia and it has sole control over the price. Besides, Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd is selling unique services which is claimed to be non substitutable. For example: Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd provides sewerage service like no other firm did, so if costumers want to get the services from Indah Water Konsortium Sdn Bhd, they must pay them. PETRONAS Gas Bhd Products Petronas Gas Bhd supplied petroleum, natural gas, liquidated petroleum gas and other types of fossil fuels to automobiles and household. Justification PETRONAS Gas Bhd is considered as operating in the pure monopoly market structure because there is only one price in market which control by government. Government control the price of the product for there is no close substitute. Government attempted to set the price into the same, so that the price would not has large difference. By this, Government regulates in the public interest. For example: when the price of the petrol are same everywhere in Malaysia, consolidation of smaller companies into bigger ones enabled some very large corporations to escape market discipline by fixing prices or undercutting competitors. 5.0 Oligopoly Characteristics of Oligopoly An oligopoly are maximizes profits by producing where the marginal revenue equals to marginal costs and oligopolies are price setters rather than price takers. The barriers to entry are high but there only so few firms that actions of one firm can influence the actions of the other firms. They can retain long run abnormal profits and their product may be homogeneous or differentiated. They also have perfect knowledge of their own cost and demand functions but their inter-firm information may be incomplete but buyer have only imperfect knowledge as to price, cost and product quality only. The distinctive feature of an oligopoly is interdependence, typically composed of a few large firms. Each firm is so large that its actions affect market conditions therefore the competing firms will be aware of a firms market actions and will respond appropriately. Tesco Products Tesco is a supermarket, it offering a wide variety of food and household products such as meats, vegetables, soft drink, television, air conditioner and etc. Justification Tesco is considered operating in the oligopoly market structure because Malaysia has many other supermarkets such as Jusco, Giant and Carrefour so they always have price war between each other and we as a consumer will get more benefit about this. Let say if Tescos soft drinks price drops then another supermarket soft drinks will also drop because they are interdependent. Tescos price strategy is more focus on Tescos Low Price Guarantee and Every Day Low Price strategy so Tesco is performing long run abnormal profit. Carlsberg lager beer Products Carlsberg lager beer is the flagship in the Carlsberg Groups portfolio of beers. It contains 5% alcohol by volume (ABV). Justification Carlsberg beer is considered operating in the oligopoly market structure because Malaysia has many other beers such as Tiger beer, Heineken beer and etc. They have price war between each other like price of the Carlsberg beer drop then Tiger beer will use some reward to retain their sales. Taste of the beers have some different, it mean differentiated and many beers pop out from the market but they cant survive in this market because of the start-up cost are high. Carlsberg has put forward a new marketing strategy for Carlsberg Sport, the energy drink so they already created a new field of the market and this is a long term strategy. Air Asia Products Air Asia is Asia largest low-fare, no frills airline and pioneer of low-cost travel in Asia. AirAsia group operates scheduled domestic and international flights to over 400 destination spanning 25 countries. Justification Air Asia is considered operating in the oligopoly market structure because our country has other air travels such as Malaysia Airlines and Firefly. They are provide the same services for customer but they all still have some different. Let say AirAsia offers free seating but the Malaysia Airlines offers assigned seats and the price between each of them also different. This is the product differentiation of both products. The strategy of AirAsia playing is safety, low fare, good services and simplicity so their market can be strong in the economy market of the air travel. Maxis Products Maxis provide a variety of mobile communication products and services. They offer prepaid call plans, monthly subscription plans, international roaming, MMS and WAP. Justification Maxis is considered operating in the oligopoly market structure because here have other communication company like digi, celcom, and Umobile. Maxis and digi provide the postpaid service to customers but the price of both are different like maxis is RM28 free 200min voice call and 100 SMS, digi is RM43 free 200min and 200 SMS. They can set the price as low as possible but still have minimum profit to earn so they are retain long run. Strategy of Maxis playing are good network coverage around Malaysia, good deal and special offers for different age groups and also target group and always the first to introduce new mobile plans that why Maxis stand at the first of the telecommunication market. Golden Screen Cinema (GSC) Products GSC is a cinema in Malaysia which is operates Malaysias first-ever boutique cinema with only Gold Class and Premiere Class Halls in The Gardens Mall, KL. Justification GSC is considered operating in the oligopoly market structure because Malaysia has many other cinemas like MBO, TGV and BigCinema. Most of the services provided by them are the same but the feeling give to the customers are different like some people feel that GSC more comfortable than other cinema. They still set the price at RM11 per ticket on the weekdays and weekends even though some cinema was increases the price of the but GSC still maintain the price of the ticket which meant GSC are playing long run profit. GSC offers Special Wednesday Rates, selling ticket for only RM6. Children and senior citizens are offered at a price of RM5 per ticket while student will be charged at RM7 before night on the weekdays by flashing their student cards so now Malaysia already have 23 GSC cinema including East Malaysia. 6.0 Conclusion To conclude this assignment it is useful to emphasize the market structure that each firm is operating, in establishing the main strategies and direction in which each firm should take to maximize its profit or to reduce loss as lower as possible. By using the characteristics of each of the four market models, we are able to sort out the market structure of each firm and figure out the advantages and disadvantages of each of the market model. The table below has shows the major characteristics of each market structures. With the help of the table above and the studies done on each firm mentioned in this assignment, we may sort out the firms that weve selected into their respective market model in terms of activities, products and strategies. The table below shows the firms sorted to their respective market model according to their characteristics.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Beginnings of a National Literary Tradition Essay -- Canadian Hist

The Beginnings of a National Literary Tradition   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Canadians throughout their history have been concerned over the status of their national literature. One of the major problems facing early Canadian writers was that the language and poetic conventions that they had inherited from the Old World were inadequate for the new scenery and conditions in which they now found themselves. Writers such as Susanna Moodie, Samuel Hearne, and Oliver Goldsmith were what I would consider "Immigrant" authors. Even though they were writing in Canada about Canada their style and their audiences were primarily England and Europe. These authors wrote from an Old World perspective and therefore were not truly Canadian authors. It took a group of homespun young writers in the later part of the 19thCentury to begin to build a genuine "discipline" of Canadian literary thought. This group, affectionately known as ‘ The Confederation Poets', consisted of four main authors: Charles G.D. Roberts, Bliss Carman, Duncan Campbell Scott, and Archibald Lampman. The Poets ofConfederation "established what can legitimately be called the first distinct "school" of Canadian poetry"(17, Keith). The term ‘The Poets of Confederation' is a misnomer since not one of these poets/authors was more than ten years old when the Dominion of Canada was formed in 1867. However, all of these writers were aware of the lack of a distinctive Canadian literary tradition and they made efforts to create one for their successors. While each of these men had their own distinctive writing style they all sought to contribute and create a ‘ national' literature. According to R.E.Rashley in Poetry in Canada: The First Three Steps " there is no Canadian poetry before [The Confederation Poets] time"(98). These men were the first in a long line of authors and artists to conceive of the need for a discernible national literature. The Confederation Poets function was to "explore the new knowledge that they had acquired of themselves that had been created by the interaction of environment and people and the concept of evolutionary growth"(Rashley 98). Archibald Lampman was a key note in the beginnings of a national literary movement. Before Lampman and the other Confederation poets there seemed to be a mere repetition of European ideas in literature in Canada. Even though Lampman was influence... ...oet of Nature. Montreal: Louis Carrier and Co., 1929. Crawford, A.W. "Archibald Lampman". Critical Views on Canadian Writers:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Archibald Lampman. Ed. Michael Gnarowski. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1970. Early, L.R. "Archibald Lampman (1861-1899)". Canadian Writers and their Works   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Vol.II. Eds. Lecker, David, & Quigley. Ontario: ECW Press, 1983. Guthrie, Norman Gregor. The Poetry Of Archibald Lampman. Toronto: The Musson Book Co., 1927. Keith, W.J. "Archibald Lampman". Profiles in Canadian Literature Vol.I. Ed. Jeffrey M. Heath. Toronto: Dundurn Press Ltd., 1980. Lampman, Archibald. The Poems of Archibald Lampman. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1974. Marshall, John. "Archibald Lampman". Critical Views on Canadian Writers:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Archibald Lampman. Ed. Michael Gnarowski. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1970. Rashley, R.E. Poetry in Canada: The First Three Steps. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1958. Stouck, David. Major Canadian Authors: A Critical Introduction. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984. Stringer, Arthur. "A Glance at Lampman". Critical Views on Canadian Writers:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Archibald Lampman. Ed. Michael Gnarowski. Toronto: Ryerson Press, 1970.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Presonal statement Essay

I intend to major in communication because of my penchant interest for news and communications, the process of gathering information and relaying it to the public. News forms an important part of the public life. Through it people base most of their decisions and even emotions. Whenever my friends hear the news, they either feel happy or sad. The facts that are presented by the news anchor and the way it is presented affects the way they react to it. News casters and news writers have a certain power of influencing and affecting the views of the people regarding a certain topic. The way they communicate is enchanting and impressive. In this regard, I want to major in Communication because I want to discover how they make such an intimate connection to the public and I also want to learn how I can effectively communicate with other people. Moreover, I have deep interest for communication through this process one learns more about the world and other people. Through proper communication, dreams could become realities. My interest for communication was enhanced when I became a junior sales girl for a telecommunications company. My job required proper communication with clients in order to establish good public relations for the company. The job was very interesting and engaging. It gave me an avenue to improve my communication skills and at the same time discover and develop proper ways of dealing with clients and other people. The experience made me realize that there are certain ways of communicating with prospective clients or customers. As a new employee, I hardly knew how to handle the job smoothly. I was regularly reminded by my supervisors on what to do and how to sell the product to the customers. At first, I did not do well. I committed several mistakes and was even reprimanded by my boss. However, I did not let such experience get the better of me. I learned from my mistakes and continuously improved on my sales skills. Eventually, I was able to execute the job properly and professionally. In my two months stay with the company, I realized that not all clients are the same. There is certain formula that should be used for a particular client. There are customers who are very particular while others are very lax. In this regard, the clients should be dealt with based on their particularities and whims. The goal is to satisfy them with the services that being provided. The best way of completing this goal is to understand what they actually want or need and address them completely. Providing adequate information and professional dealing with clients are necessary for anyone trying to sell a product. Aside from my experience with in selling products, my school activities also served as motivation for me to be interested in communication. Throughout my secondary school, I was involved in many extracurricular activities. I used to plan for several functions and events and such task required me to talk with people from different fields. This experience made me realize the importance of knowing how to properly communicate my thoughts. Had I not known how to express myself, my ideas and opinions on certain matters involving the events I planned for, I could have not fulfilled my task satisfactorily. When I entered college, I was again involved in many extra curricular activities. However, unlike my secondary school experience, my extracurricular activities in college had greater impact on me and my desire to study Communication. I was assigned to man a committee of the event. The Chairman instructed me on what to do and I, in turn, directed my committee members. All the while, I thought I was on the right track. I only discovered that I misunderstood the instruction when the Chairman saw our work. Due to such mistake, my group had to redo all the work. I felt so guilty for the inconvenience that my group mates experienced and not to mention the work load put to waste. Had I understood properly the instructions, none of it could have happened. This incident made me realize the importance of properly communicating instructions. Communication is not a one way process. It works in such a way that both parties need to listen and comprehend what one telling the other. Communication works best when one listens while the other talks and if something is unclear, it should be clarified after the one giving instructions has finished talking. My employment in the telecommunications company and school experience have thought me a lot about communication however, I believe that my experience are insufficient to teach me all the things I need to learn about communication. It is my contention that the field of communication is a very broad world and there is a lot to learn and benefit from it. In the future, I would like to be a public relations officer of the government. Like I have mentioned in the beginning, public relations is very important as it influences the views of public on certain facts, issues and organizations. In my home country, the image of our government becomes worse day after day. I think one of the reasons is the exercise by the government of poor public relations. In this regard, I would like to learn how I could improve the image of my country through the aid of public relations. I believe that being a part of the University of California, I can enhance my knowledge on communication and public relations and eventually become a key player to my country’s success. I am a very patient and determined individual. In everything I do, I give my best and do whatever it takes to achieve my goals. Right now, I believe that I could achieve my goal of helping improve the image of my country through getting a quality education in a prestigious university. I believe that through my determination and the excellent teaching in the University of California, I could someday attain my goal. I also believe that my deep interest for music and communication will aid me in building a good future. Music, like communication has the capacity to influence people, if properly executed. Moreover, just like music, the goal of producing quality tone would be useless if a good foundation for understanding notes is missing. In any field, a good educational foundation is necessary and I believe only the University of California can provide me with such excellent foundation.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

40 Topic Suggestions for a Descriptive Paragraph

40 Topic Suggestions for a Descriptive Paragraph If you want to be a successful writer, you must be able to describe [your subject], and in a way that will cause your reader to prickle with recognition....Thin description leaves the reader feeling bewildered and nearsighted. Overdescription buries him or her in details and images. The trick is to find a happy medium.(Stephen King, On Writing, 2000) Descriptive writing calls for close attention to factual and  sensory details: show, dont tell. Whether your subject is as small as a strawberry or as large as a fruit farm,  you should begin by observing your subject closely. Examine it with all five senses, and write down any details and descriptions that come to mind. Next go a little further afield with your list and associate your chosen topic or object with memories, opinions, and impressions. This list may give you some ideas for metaphors and possibly even a direction for your  paragraph or essay. Then make a list of verbs that could be  associated with your topic or object. This will help you have more variety than just buzzing be verbs and keep the writing and imagery descriptive and active. After your brainstorming phase, go through your list and decide which details and descriptions you like the most and are significant. Dont cross off the others, though. At this point in the project, you want to be open to any direction your imagination and writing take you. 40 Topic Suggestions: Description To get you  started,  here are 40 topic suggestions for a descriptive paragraph, essay, or speech.  These suggestions should help you discover a subject that especially  interests  you. If you dont start out with a topic that youre willing to spend some time with, your writing will show your lack of enthusiasm. If 40 is not enough, try this list of  400 writing topics. If you need some advice for the drafting phase, see   Composing Descriptive Paragraphs and Essays and   How to Write a Descriptive Paragraph. a waiting rooma basketball, baseball glove, or tennis racketa smartphonea treasured belonginga laptop computera favorite restaurantyour dream houseyour ideal roommatea closetyour memory of a place that you visited as a childa lockeran accident scenea city bus or subway trainan unusual rooma childs secret hiding placea bowl of fruitan item left too long in your refrigeratorbackstage during a play or a concerta vase of flowersa restroom in a service stationa street that leads to your home or schoolyour favorite foodthe inside of a spaceshipthe scene at a concert or athletic eventan art exhibitan ideal apartmentyour old neighborhooda small town cemeterya pizzaa peta photographa hospital emergency rooma particular friend or family membera paintinga storefront windowan inspiring viewa work tablea character from a book, movie, or television programa refrigerator or washing machinea Halloween costume

Monday, October 21, 2019

Definition and Examples of Voice in Phonetics

Definition and Examples of Voice in Phonetics In phonetics  and phonology, voice refers to the speech sounds produced by the vocal folds (also known as the vocal cords). Also known as voicing. Voice quality refers to the characteristic features of an individuals voice.Voice range (or vocal range) refers to the range of frequency or pitch used by a speaker. Etymology From the Latin call. Examples and Observations John Laver[O]ur social interaction through speech depends on much more than solely the linguistic nature of the spoken messages exchanged. The voice is the very emblem of the speaker, indelibly woven into the fabric of speech. In this sense, each of our utterances of spoken language carries not only its own message, but through accent, tone of voice and habitual voice quality it is at the same time an audible declaration of our membership [in] particular social and regional groups, of our individual physical and psychological identity, and of our momentary mood. The Speech Mechanism Beverly CollinsThe overwhelming majority of sounds found in human speech are produced by an egressive pulmonic airstream, i.e. an outgoing stream of air produced by the lungs contracting (partially collapsing inwards) and thus pushing the air contained within them outwards. This airstream then passes through the larynx (known familiarly as the Adams apple) and along a tube of the complex shape formed by the mouth and nose (termed the vocal tract). A variety of muscles interact to produce changes in the configuration of the vocal tract so as to allow parts of the speech organs to come into contact (or near contact) with other parts, i.e. to articulate. Phoneticians term these anatomical bits and pieces the articulatorshence the term for the branch of science known as articulatory phonetics...The vocal folds (also called the vocal cords) vibrate very rapidly when an airstream is allowed to pass between them, producing what is termed voicethat is, a sort of buzz which one can hear and f eel in vowels and in some consonant sounds. Voicing Peter RoachIf the vocal folds vibrate we will hear the sound that we call voicing or phonation. There are many different sorts of voicing that we can producethink of the differences in the quality of your voice between singing, shouting, and speaking quietly, or think of the different voices you might use reading a story to young children in which you have to read out what is said by characters such as giants, fairies, mice or ducks; many of the differences are made with the larynx. We can make changes in the vocal folds themselvesthey can, for example, be made longer or shorter, more tense or more relaxed or be more or less strongly pressed together. The pressure of the air below the vocal folds (the subglottal pressure) can also be varied [in intensity, frequency, and quality]. The Difference Between Voiced and Voiceless Sounds Thomas P. KlammerTo feel the difference between voiced and voiceless sounds for yourself, place your fingers on your Adams apple and produce first the sound of /f/. Sustain that sound for a few seconds. Now quickly switch to the sound of /v/. You should be able to feel very clearly the vibration that accompanies the sound of /v/, which is voiced, in contrast to the absence of such vibration with /f/, which is voiceless. Voicing is the result of moving air causing the vocal folds (or vocal cords) to vibrate within the larynx behind the cartilage of the Adams apple. This vibration, your voice, is what you feel and hear when you sustain the sound of /v/. Resources Collins, Beverley, and Inger M. Mees.  Practical Phonetics and Phonology: a Resource Book for Students. 3rd ed., Routledge, 2013.Klammer, Thomas P., et al.  Analyzing English Grammar. Pearson, 2007.Laver, John.  Principles of Phonetics. Cambridge University Press, 1994.Roach, Peter.  English Phonetics and Phonology: A Practical Course. 4th ed., Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Invention of Polystyrene and Styrofoam

Invention of Polystyrene and Styrofoam Polystyrene is a strong plastic created from erethylene and benzine. It can be injected, extruded or blow molded. This makes it a very useful and versatile manufacturing material.   Most of us recognize polystyrene in the form of styrofoam used for beverage cups and packaging peanuts. However, polystyrene is also used as a building material, with electrical appliances (light switches and plates) and in other household items. Eduard Simon Hermann Staudinger Polymer Research Keystone/Stringer/Getty Images German apothecary Eduard Simon discovered polystyrene in 1839 when he isolated the substance from natural resin. However, he did not know what he had discovered.  It took another organic chemist named Hermann Staudinger to realize that Simons discovery, comprised of long chains of styrene molecules, was a plastic polymer. In 1922, Staudinger published his theories on polymers. They stated that natural rubbers were made up of long repetitive chains of monomers that gave rubber its elasticity. He went on to write that the materials manufactured by the thermal processing of styrene were similar to rubber. They were the high polymers, including polystyrene. In 1953, Staudinger won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his research. BASF Commercial Use of Polystyrene Badische Anilin Soda-Fabrik or BASF was founded in 1861. BASF has a long history of being innovative due to having invented synthetic coal tar dyes, ammonia, nitrogenous fertilizers as well as developing polystyrene, PVC, magnetic tape and synthetic rubber. In 1930, the scientists at BASF developed a way to commercially manufacture polystyrene. A company called I.G. Farben is often listed as the developer of polystyrene because BASF was under trust to I G. Farben in 1930. In 1937, the Dow Chemical company introduced polystyrene products to the U.S. market. What we commonly call styrofoam, is actually the most recognizable form of foam polystyrene packaging. Styrofoam is the trademark of the Dow Chemical Company while the technical name of the product is foamed polystyrene. Ray McIntire - Styrofoam Inventor Dow Chemical Company scientist  Ray McIntire invented foamed polystyrene aka Styrofoam. McIntire said his invention of foamed polystyrene was purely accidental. His invention came about as he was trying to find a flexible electrical insulator around the time of World War II. Polystyrene, which already had been invented, was a good insulator but too brittle. McIntire tried to make a new rubber-like polymer by combining styrene with a volatile liquid called isobutylene  under pressure. The result was a foam polystyrene with bubble and was 30 times lighter than regular polystyrene. The Dow Chemical Company introduced Styrofoam products to the United State in 1954. How Are Foamed Polystyrene or Styrofoam Products Made? Foamed polystyrene starts as small spherical beads that contain an expanding agent called hydrocarbon.The polystyrene beads are heated with steam. As the expanding agent boils, the beads soften and expand up to forty times their original size.The expanded beads are left to cool down before being heated again. However, this time the beads are expanded within a mold.The molds are designed in a variety of  shapes  depending on the desired end product.  Examples are things such as styrofoam  cups, cartons, wig stands and more.The beads completely fill the mold and also fuse together.Styrofoam is about 98% percent air.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

MPH502 - Introduction to Public Health Module 1 - SLP Essay

MPH502 - Introduction to Public Health Module 1 - SLP - Essay Example A research done on the rate of tuberculosis found that there was a rapid increase of 20% in the prevalence of tuberculosis in the United States from 1985 to 1992. HIV and Tuberculosis have also been found out to be related as it is seen in many cases that individuals have both HIV and tuberculosis together (Ferguson & Roads 2009; Robbins et al 2005). The most common reason for the occurrence of tuberculosis is over crowdedness and sanitary problems. It is a disease which is most prevalent in the lower class society as they are more susceptible to unhygienic living. The bacterium M.Tuberculosis is the most common strain which affects the human beings with Tuberculosis in the United States. The dangers posed by the disease Tuberculosis have been realized by many of the organizations worldwide and these organizations have taken preventative measures to ensure that the class of human being remains safe from this disease. World Health Organization is one of these organizations which are taking strict measures to save the world from such an endemic. It is designing new technologies and investing in projects which would provide new treatments of TB to the whole world. They are developing a strategy which would ensure that people with tuberculosis are diagnosed with the disease even before the disease gets active. Specific conditions have been set out by the organization under which it is necessary for the health care professionals to test the individual for any positive signs of Tuberculosis. This early diagnosis would help with the definitive treatment of tuberculosis. Moreover a vaccine is also available for tuberculosis known as the BCG vaccine and this also helps to pre vent the onset of tuberculosis in many infants (Ferguson & Roads 2009; Upshur et al 2009). The organization is recommending ways through which the infection can be controlled. This can be useful in preventing the spread of tuberculosis to the health care

Friday, October 18, 2019

Environmental Issues that Impact the Western United States Research Paper - 1

Environmental Issues that Impact the Western United States - Research Paper Example The fertilizers, chemicals and pesticides used to improve the agricultural yields, are polluting the soil and water. The Western United States is a region which is facing big environmental problems as a result of visionless industrial and agricultural policies. This paper briefly analyses the environmental problems of Western America and provides some recommendations to overcome it. Mining is one of the major activities which cause severe environmental problems in Western America. Mining started in America in the nineteenth century and western America is a region which is blessed with precious metals like gold and minerals. The gold rush in the nineteenth century resulted in the construction of rail, roads and other transportation means and many of the natural forests were destroyed. Some of the cities like Denver and Sacramento evolved as mining towns during this period. Contamination of soil and water, erosion, destruction of biodiversity etc were the outcomes of gold rush or mining. Mining is a process which requires the use of a lot of chemicals to purify the metals and minerals mined out of the soil. These chemicals often pollute the soil and water. A scoping study conducted by the Western Governors Association Mine Waste Task Force (1) collected the following statistics on inactive and abandoned mines (IAMs) by state: Arizona -- 80,000 IAM sites covering 136,653 acres, pollution 200 miles of surface waterways. California -- 2,484 IAM sites, 1,685 mine openings, and 578 miles of polluted streams. Colorado -- 20,299 mine openings and 1,298 miles of affected streams. Idaho -- 27,543 acres affected by IAMs. Missouri -- 7,655 IAM sites covering 48,175 acres, with 109 miles of affected streams. Montana -- 20,000 IAM sites covering 153,800 acres, with 1,118 miles of stream damage. New Mexico -- 25,320 acres and 69 miles of stream affected by IAMs.  Oklahoma -- 26,453 acres affected by IAMs. Utah -- 25,020 acres affected by IAMs, with 83 miles of polluted streams.  

Explain the importance of strategic alliances in international Assignment

Explain the importance of strategic alliances in international business and the reasons why companies choose this growth strateg - Assignment Example This action of entering into foreign markets opens up the firm to benefits of economies of scale and increased opportunities for marketing and distribution. However, the cost linked with entering into foreign markets may far out-span the capabilities of a single firm (BLEEKE & ERNST 1993, 27). This then dictates the need to enter into a strategic alliance with another international firm. This has the effect of expediting the rate of entry into the foreign market albeit maintaining relative low costs (SHENKAR & REUER 2006, 71). Several logistical tussles are still to be encountered with entry into foreign markets. These tussles range from entrenched competition, unfriendly government regulation and irrelevant beauracracies (GIBBS & HUMPHRIES 2009, 45). There is a higher prospect of overcoming these obstacles when strategic alliances are employed, as contrasted to when the firm decides to venture into foreign markets on a solitary basis. There exist three core categories via which stra tegic alliance can be regarded. The first one of these is joint ventures. Joint ventures are formed when the respective companies combine to form an independent company. The respective companies decide to share the profit and loss of the new entity that will be created. One of the most notable cases where joint venture was created is that of Sony Ericson. Sony and Ericson decided to form a new entity known as Sony Ericson Mobile Communications. However, this new entity has just recently been fully owned by the Sony Corporation who renamed it Sony Mobile Communications. The next category of strategic alliances is equity strategic alliances. This entails the new partners having different percentages of equity in the new venture. Depending on the motive or goal of the strategic alliance, the partners can either opt to share equity in each other’s business on in one business. The determining factor is the reason for the strategic alliance. An example of such an alliance is that b etween Star-Bucks and Kraft. The last category of strategic alliance is non-equity strategic alliances. This is when a strategic alliance is carried out on the terms of a contract agreement rather than on the ownership basis. The relationship of this kind is usually referred to as a contractual relationship. A good example of a non-equity strategic alliance is the one between Vodafone and Telecom Malaysia. The deal was signed in 2006 whereby Vodafone was the leading partner. Strategic alliance requires a well though-out procedure to ensure the alliance is successful and realizes its intended goal(s). Prior to embarking on an alliance, firms should choose partners whose strategic goals and objectives are compatible to their own. The firm should take into consideration the extent to which synergy will be availed. Additionally, firms should endeavour to participate in strategic alliances that complement the firm. This translates to mean that, firms ought to engage in alliances that wil l complement their skills, their products and services in addition to its market share. Akin to all business agreements, rules and regulations must be incorporated into strategic alliances. These factors are divided into scope of operation and length of cooperation. The scope of operation entails partners agreeing on how to handle potentially competitively sensitive information. Secondly, it expounds on what will be shared and what will

EU LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

EU LAW - Essay Example As such, Lord Denning stated that EC law was directly applicable at national level under domestic law. However, the term â€Å"directly applicable† has created ambiguity and the principles of direct effect and indirect effect will determine whether the Council Directive relating to the right of consumers to full contract price refunds (the Directive) is directly applicable under UK law4. If a provision of EC law is directly applicable, section 2(1) of the ECA asserts that â€Å"all such rights, powers, liabilities, obligations and restrictions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ shall be recognised and available in law, and be enforced, allowed and followed accordingly.† The current scenario is concerned with the failure to implement the Directive and this analysis will review whether Christina can enforce the rights she would have had if the Directive had been implemented under the doctrine of direct effect; or alternatively, what her rights are against the state for damage suffered as a result of failure to implement the Directive. The specific nature of directives lies in the type of obligations they impose5. Ultimately Member States have discretion as to how to implement a directive, however they must comply with the positive obligation to implement the directive in the first place6. Problems have arisen as to whether Directives themselves can be invoked by individuals in national courts as giving rise to individual rights7, further compounded by the question as to whether a Member State can be liable for damage resulting from its failure to implement a directive, which is pertinent to Christina’s position. In order to be directly effective, a provision of EC law must constitute a complete legal obligation capable of enforcement as such by a court8. Moreover, in the case of Francovich v Italian Republic9, it was asserted that the pre-requisite for direct effect

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Nokia Managing problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Nokia Managing problems - Essay Example Nokia is facing some serious issues regarding its operation management and research & development. This study is designed to determine those issues that are causing the downfall of Nokia in the global market. The main concern of the report is to highlight those issues that are the reasons for declining in the performance of operation management department of Nokia. The analysis declares the main problems and results stated the areas of improvement in the functions of operation management and research & development department. INTRODUCTION In the last few years Nokia has been facing several problems in different areas of the organization in competing in the global market. The global market is changing day by day especially in the line of technological advancement (Chief Supply Chain Of?cer Insights, 2011). New inventions are being discovered by the leading manufacturers regularly. Continuously innovation has been made in the smart phones by some of the rivalry companies like Samsung a nd Apple Inc (Simchi-Levi, Kaminsky, & Simchi-levi, 2007). There are many other competitors all around the globe which give tough competition to Nokia in different markets of different countries. This competition created problems for Nokia in many portions of the business. This study is designed to discuss the issues or problems faces by Nokia in the last few years. These issues brought a great impact over the Nokia’s financial position in the year 2012. According to the report sales of Nokia have dropped by 29% in the international market and net cash has decreased by 24% in one year period (Gassee, 2012). This report analyses the performance of Nokia. After conducting the research the problem faced by Nokia has been identified that has resulted in declining market of Nokia. The consistent decline in the performance of operation managements of Nokia has been one of the major reasons for the decline in sales of the company. As the operations of the company are analyzed then i t can be found that three main departments are responsible for this declining phase and these departments are production department, research and development and supply chain management. The production department has potential and capacity to produce to meet the demand but still the production does not meet the demand. This gap of demand and supply is the main cause of declining market ok Nokia. The second issue is innovations in their phones. Smart phones introduced by Nokia are not completely grabbing the interest of customers as they are not able to fulfill the needs of the consumers. The third issue is regarding the less efficient supply chain management process in some big markets of Nokia. For example, According to the Bloomberg, in China Nokia Lumia 920T was facing serious supply chain management issues. The price of Nokia Lumia in China was 4,599-yuan ($738), the distributors of China claimed that they do not have a stock of Nokia Lumia 920T. For this reason Nokia has droppe d the holiday session of next week because of its delivery issue. According to the statement of China Mobile spokeswoman, they ordered 90000 units of Nokia Lumia 920T but Nokia has just supplied 30000 units which is 1/3 of the whole demand. This situation gives the understanding that Nokia is going through a serious problem in the area operation managem

The Divorcee (1930) and Its Challenges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Divorcee (1930) and Its Challenges - Essay Example A husband has a brief extra marital affair and considers it nothing. He asks his wife for forgiveness but his wife, in order to make him realize the sensitivity of the issue, has an affair with her husband’s friend and then the husband realizes that it must mean something. The film starts with a party in New York with a number of social elite. Jerry Bernard, played by Norma Shearer, is an informal leader of the group who breaks the news of her engagement with Ted Martin, played by Chester Morris, at the party. Paul, played by Conrad Negel, is in love with Jerry and he is disappointed by the news of Jerry’s engagement with Ted. Paul gets drunk at the party and on his way home he gets into an accident and causes facial disfigurement to Dorothy, played by Helen Johnson, who was a passenger in the car. Paul gets remorseful and decides to marry Dorothy himself. On the day Paul decides to marry Dorothy in a hospital bedside ceremony, Jerry and Ted also get married and have a lavish wedding ceremony. Years pass and Ted and Jerry lead a happy married life. On the third anniversary of their marriage, Ted is compelled to go out of town for a meeting in Chicago. The friends of Ted and Jerry take them out for a party and they bring another woman named Janice Meredith, played by Mary Doran, with them. The fact that Janice accompanies them upsets Ted but they go anyway. Janice corners Ted in the kitchen and here it is disclosed that Ted and Janice had a brief affair a short time earlier. Jerry finds Ted and Janice in the kitchen with Janice’s arms around Ted. A short time later Ted admits to his wife that he had a brief affair with Janice. He justifies his position by saying that he had been drunk and the affair was nothing but an unfortunate incident. After Ted leaves for Chicago, Jerry feels upset because of the disclosure of Ted’s brief affair. To cheer her up, Don played by Robert Montgomery, Ted’s best friend takes Jerry out. Don flirt s with Jerry and Jerry responds. Ted returns from his trip a week later and he is filled with remorse. He asks for Jerry’s forgiveness and justifies his position by saying that the affair meant nothing. They had almost reconciled their differences when Jerry admits that she had balanced their accounts when Ted was away for the trip. She, similar to Ted, justifies her position by saying that her short lived affair meant nothing and it too should be overlooked. Jerry expects Ted to be reasonable and treat her affair as he treats his own but Ted refuses to forgive her. Jerry becomes outraged at Ted’s behavior and after arguing, both of them decide to divorce. Both of them regret the break up but due to their stubbornness, do not reconcile. Jerry has a series of affairs afterwards and years pass. Ted moves to Paris due to his job. Paul encounters Jerry in train while she was in the company of Ivan. Paul knocks Ivan out when he mistreats Jerry. Paul tells Jerry that he want s to marry her and he can even dump his wife for her. While Jerry considers Paul’s proposal, she is visited by Dorothy who asks her not to destroy her marriage. Jerry then renounces Paul’s proposal and moves to Paris. She hopes to find Ted and visits various nightclubs for that purpose. Finally she finds Ted and he is surprised to see her in Paris. Ted initially thinks that Jerry is there for her honeymoon with Paul but she says that Ted is her only read husband. At this point they finally reconcile their

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

EU LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

EU LAW - Essay Example As such, Lord Denning stated that EC law was directly applicable at national level under domestic law. However, the term â€Å"directly applicable† has created ambiguity and the principles of direct effect and indirect effect will determine whether the Council Directive relating to the right of consumers to full contract price refunds (the Directive) is directly applicable under UK law4. If a provision of EC law is directly applicable, section 2(1) of the ECA asserts that â€Å"all such rights, powers, liabilities, obligations and restrictions†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ shall be recognised and available in law, and be enforced, allowed and followed accordingly.† The current scenario is concerned with the failure to implement the Directive and this analysis will review whether Christina can enforce the rights she would have had if the Directive had been implemented under the doctrine of direct effect; or alternatively, what her rights are against the state for damage suffered as a result of failure to implement the Directive. The specific nature of directives lies in the type of obligations they impose5. Ultimately Member States have discretion as to how to implement a directive, however they must comply with the positive obligation to implement the directive in the first place6. Problems have arisen as to whether Directives themselves can be invoked by individuals in national courts as giving rise to individual rights7, further compounded by the question as to whether a Member State can be liable for damage resulting from its failure to implement a directive, which is pertinent to Christina’s position. In order to be directly effective, a provision of EC law must constitute a complete legal obligation capable of enforcement as such by a court8. Moreover, in the case of Francovich v Italian Republic9, it was asserted that the pre-requisite for direct effect

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Divorcee (1930) and Its Challenges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Divorcee (1930) and Its Challenges - Essay Example A husband has a brief extra marital affair and considers it nothing. He asks his wife for forgiveness but his wife, in order to make him realize the sensitivity of the issue, has an affair with her husband’s friend and then the husband realizes that it must mean something. The film starts with a party in New York with a number of social elite. Jerry Bernard, played by Norma Shearer, is an informal leader of the group who breaks the news of her engagement with Ted Martin, played by Chester Morris, at the party. Paul, played by Conrad Negel, is in love with Jerry and he is disappointed by the news of Jerry’s engagement with Ted. Paul gets drunk at the party and on his way home he gets into an accident and causes facial disfigurement to Dorothy, played by Helen Johnson, who was a passenger in the car. Paul gets remorseful and decides to marry Dorothy himself. On the day Paul decides to marry Dorothy in a hospital bedside ceremony, Jerry and Ted also get married and have a lavish wedding ceremony. Years pass and Ted and Jerry lead a happy married life. On the third anniversary of their marriage, Ted is compelled to go out of town for a meeting in Chicago. The friends of Ted and Jerry take them out for a party and they bring another woman named Janice Meredith, played by Mary Doran, with them. The fact that Janice accompanies them upsets Ted but they go anyway. Janice corners Ted in the kitchen and here it is disclosed that Ted and Janice had a brief affair a short time earlier. Jerry finds Ted and Janice in the kitchen with Janice’s arms around Ted. A short time later Ted admits to his wife that he had a brief affair with Janice. He justifies his position by saying that he had been drunk and the affair was nothing but an unfortunate incident. After Ted leaves for Chicago, Jerry feels upset because of the disclosure of Ted’s brief affair. To cheer her up, Don played by Robert Montgomery, Ted’s best friend takes Jerry out. Don flirt s with Jerry and Jerry responds. Ted returns from his trip a week later and he is filled with remorse. He asks for Jerry’s forgiveness and justifies his position by saying that the affair meant nothing. They had almost reconciled their differences when Jerry admits that she had balanced their accounts when Ted was away for the trip. She, similar to Ted, justifies her position by saying that her short lived affair meant nothing and it too should be overlooked. Jerry expects Ted to be reasonable and treat her affair as he treats his own but Ted refuses to forgive her. Jerry becomes outraged at Ted’s behavior and after arguing, both of them decide to divorce. Both of them regret the break up but due to their stubbornness, do not reconcile. Jerry has a series of affairs afterwards and years pass. Ted moves to Paris due to his job. Paul encounters Jerry in train while she was in the company of Ivan. Paul knocks Ivan out when he mistreats Jerry. Paul tells Jerry that he want s to marry her and he can even dump his wife for her. While Jerry considers Paul’s proposal, she is visited by Dorothy who asks her not to destroy her marriage. Jerry then renounces Paul’s proposal and moves to Paris. She hopes to find Ted and visits various nightclubs for that purpose. Finally she finds Ted and he is surprised to see her in Paris. Ted initially thinks that Jerry is there for her honeymoon with Paul but she says that Ted is her only read husband. At this point they finally reconcile their

Individuals Human Development Essay Example for Free

Individuals Human Development Essay The environments or â€Å"contexts† of life play a major role in the development of human beings throughout the lifespan. Even the most ardent genetically oriented human beings acknowledge that the environment contributes to human development. Thus Nurture is important in this respect.   However, it is not enough simply to state that environment is important in the analysis of a person’s character. This is where the importance of nature comes in.    Although developmental theories have emerged to describe the growth and maturation of the individual, a parallel trend has been to describe the changing pattern of the family life cycle as a series of developmental stages (Watson, 1913). Family developmentalists view the family, like the individual, as having certain prime functions at certain points in the life cycle. In the case of Pavlov, both his environment and his innate nature contributed to his stature as one of man’s most famous scientists. Classical conditioning refers to the formation of a single association by means of a procedure developed by Ivan Pavlov in the early 1900s. Pavlov’s special field of study was the digestive secretions of the body, for which he received the Nobel Prize in 1904.On of the secretions being studied was salivation. To obtain a precise measure of secreted saliva under varying conditions, Pavlov inserted a small tube into the salivary glands of experimental dogs. When the dog salivated, the fluid was routed into Pavlov’s measuring cups. By this method, he could determine not only when the salivation occurs, but also how much and at what rate. For one time—indeed, even for today—it was a remarkably clear and rigorous estimate of response strength. It has become one of the most productive areas in all of psychology. This paper shall look into the environmental and internal factors that influence human behavior and attempt to explain how these two factors interact in a person’s life to bring about his present personality and character. During his studies of salivation, Pavlov noted what he called â€Å"psychic secretions.† If food is placed in the mouth of the animal, it will secrete saliva automatically – this response is innate not learned. But the dogs in Pavlov’s apparatus, soon began to salivate to other stimuli as well. For example, the sight of food, the sight of the person who fed them, and even the feeder’s footsteps in the hall, were enough to elicit salivation. These associations had to be learned. They were in effect anticipations of food in the mouth. Because the response (salivation) was not controlled by the simple reflex connections, come higher neural processes had to be involved. T was as if the mind took over the control of the reflexive act—hence, â€Å"psychic secretions—as if the thought of food was enough to produce the same response as food itself. It stressed that children are active, curious explorers who seek to adapt to their environments, rather than passive biological urges who are molded by their parents. Pavlov, as a child, was indeed a curious, precocious youngster. His father has a big influence into what he turned out to be. Meanwhile, Watson (1913) behaviorism is the conclusions about human development should be based on observations of overt behavior rather than on speculations about   unconscious motives or cognitive processes that are unobservable. Moreover, Watson also believed that well-learned associations between external stimuli and observable responses are the building blocks of human development. When Petrovich Pavlov was a child, he was involved in an accident that prevented him from going to school. Thus, it was only when he was 11 years old that he was able to go back and have a formal schooling. He went to theological seminary and eventually at 21 he decided to pursue psychology. It is said that â€Å"he was ironically diverted from becoming a second-generation clergy, by the works of Charles Darwin and Russian physiologist Ivan Sechenov, which he read while in seminary. Even his marriage was not spared the cyclic heartbreak then elation pattern that appeared to prevail in his life.† (Pavlov.). He had tragedies to deal with when he had a family of his own. Two of his six children died. Like Watson, Skinner believed that habits develop as a result of unique operant learning experiences. Pavlov’s curiosity for learning developed because he had the supervision of his mother during those years he stopped schooling.   He formed the habit of   having the passion for learning, investigating and experimenting. Meanwhile, nowhere is Bandura’s cognitive emphasis clearer than in his decision to highlight observational learning as a central developmental process. Observational learning is simply learning that results from observing the behavior of other people.   Bandura stressed observational learning in his cognitive social learning theory simply because this active, cognitive form of learning permits young children to quickly acquire thousands of new responses in a variety of settings. Indeed, the environments or â€Å"contexts† of life play a major role in the development of human beings throughout the lifespan. Even the most ardent genetically oriented human beings acknowledge that the environment contributes to human development. Thus Nurture is important in this respect.   However, it is not enough simply to state that environment is important in the analysis of a person’s character. This is where the importance of nature comes in. Born on Sept 14, 1849 in Russia, Pavlov was prepared for a life of discipline and excellence. Pavlov’s father Peter Dmitrivich was a priest while his brother Ivan was also part of the church staff.   It was his father Dmitrivich who was highly influential in carving Pavlov to be the way he turned out in his later years. His early environment under the tutelage of a highly educated and dignified father became one of the biggest factors that explain his passion for excellence in life. In practical life, the one that plays a more dominant role for example, in crime control policy, is the one that centers more on the role of the biological setup of the person and the family with whom he grows up with.   The majority of children grow up in a family context that usually includes a father and/or a mother and, in many instances, brothers and sisters. The family has been shown to have an impact on important processes, including the development of self-concept, sex roles, language, intellectual abilities and interpersonal skills (Bronfenbrenner, 1986). Explanation of the interaction of heredity and environment is not a simple matter. Hereditary factors operate from the moment of conception in determining the features of human growth and development. Our current understanding of human genetics makes it fairly clear that many human physical traits are inherited. We know that genetic factors are involved in the development of the human body from the time of conception. However, we do not fully understand the scientific mechanisms of the interaction of genetic and environmental factors in controlling human growth and development. The relationship of this nature versus nurture interaction to human behavior is indeed a much-debated issue. Where do differences in personality or temperament come from? Friends or relatives are frequently quick to comment that an infant has a temper â€Å"like his father† or is easygoing â€Å"like his mother,† suggesting that such differences are inherited. Does this mean that infant temperament is generically determined? Not necessarily, since the environment plays an important role in the expression of temperament. Researchers say that temperament is best viewed as a natural bias toward a given behavioral direction (difficult, easygoing, introverted and extroverted). The expression of this bias depends on one’s environment or experience: the child with a temperamental â€Å"bias† for a high activity level may in fact be easygoing and mild-mannered in a relaxed family environment. The bias for high activity levels may in fact be easygoing and mild mannered in a relaxed family environment. The bias for high activity levels may appear only in a stressful or competitive situation (Wiggam, 1923). Temperament and personality depend for their expression on the joint contributions of heredity, environment (parenting strategies) and individual behavior (through the active selection of environments, particularly as the child grows older). Children need to be exposed in an environment where they must have opportunities to feel free to be choice-makers, to know that they can have justice for themselves. A school ought to encourage children to feel appreciative of their own individuality. They need to feel playful and to see life as fun, and to have their teachers and parents join in on this approach to fun living. And mostly, they need to feel creatively alive, to have a burning sense of desire and appreciation for everything in life. To eschew boredom and dullness, and to glow in the excitement of each and everyday. This is not some farfetched ideal. Pavlov thought that the cortex was the only site of new neural connections in learning. His evidence was that members of his laboratory were not able to condition dogs from whom the cortex had been surgically removed. But later, in Pavlov’s laboratory, and elsewhere, investigators found that they could obtain conditioning in mammals even after all the cerebral cortex had been removed. For example, a dog with its cortex removed can learn to lift its paw whenever a light flash occurs to avoid shock. Such conditioning occurs slowly   and irregularly. However, because such animals tend to be distractible and irritable and they do not have keen sensory discrimination. But the evidence is clearly antagonistic to Pavlov’s   claim that cortex is necessary.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Trends of Transnational Companies

Trends of Transnational Companies In our todays world transnational companies (TNCs) play a crucial role in global economy as they are one of the biggest economic institutions. In this essay, I will give an explanation of what transnational company actually is, describe the main trends of TNCs activity and express my own opinion about transnational companies future and compare it with the view of other views. To begin with, let me define the term of transnational company. It is important to give a correct definition of word, because there are different categories of companies, doing business in another country, such as multinational and international companies. So, TNC is a commercial enterprise with a very complex organization, that operates huge facilities, has a business more than in one country and whose external assets cover from 25 to 30 or even more percent of all volume of a company. There are more ways to explain the meaning of this term, but we will stop on this one. The history of transnational companies begins in 1118, when the Order of Knights Templars was founded. It was not actually TNC, but some kind of financial centre. In the year of 1135 they started to develop banking industry all over other countries. Officially, East India company is regarded as the very first transnational company, which was established in 1600. Now lets move on to identifying the main trends and role of transnational companies in our contemporary world. They act as a driving force of key processes of modern global economy. TNCs determine structure, dynamics, level of marketability of goods and services, controlling international capital flows and direct foreign investments. Because of its productive and financial possibilities, transnational companies maintain hold of high-tech industries, advancing technological growth of this sphere. They are becoming a significant force in a world economy, as their wide range of functions, starting from industrial processes and ending up to operations in investment, financial and trade policy, allows them to play a role of international regulator of production and distributor of goods and services. The biggest TNCs have even established supremacy over world trade market and in leading fields of economy. Moreover, transnational companies transform world economy into an international manuf acturing, providing boost of technological advance in all directions quality of goods, efficiency of production, improvement of forms of management and directing enterprises. Number of TNCs is rapidly growing: in 1970 there were about 7300 TNCs, whole turn-round was $626 million a year. At the beginning of 1990s, their amount grew to 37000 with turn-round of $7 billion a year. Finally, in 2012 there are 82000 transnational companies with $30 trillion turn-round.[1] Such a growth can be explained by bunch of reasons. For example, competition between companies, forcing to decrease charges and at the same time increasing scales of producing and introducing new technologies, searching for a cheap labour power and new markets. Importance of TNCs in international meaning is increasing. Core of global economic system consists of about 100 transnational companies, which are controlling almost unlimited economic power and capturing two-thirds of international capital flows. Practically all the biggest TNCs, if they will be divided by national implement apply for so called ternary three economic centers of our planet USA, EU and Japan. But for a last few years there is a tendency of less developed countries to develop their own transnational companies all over the world. Sectorial division of TNCs is very diverse: 60% of companies specialise in manufacturing sphere, 37% in tertiary sector and only 3% in extractive industry and agriculture. Also, there are 77 million employed people involved in TNCs sphere worldwide. Â   In my opinion, transnational companies encourage growth of industry, change structure of national economy and improve position of states in international division of labour and global economic relations. There is misbelief, that as a result of international operations of TNCs, one country will gain a profit and other will lose. In real life it is possible, but there is a huge chance that both countries will be the winners of situation. One more advantage of transnational companies is that they speed-up research and development sphere, that is why TNCs have an immense financial resources. Moreover, they mainly control export of manufactured goods, which is usually concentrated by a few large TNCs. Such an export scheme is typical of household and electronic industry, pharmaceutic and chemical goods. However, there are a lot of opponents of transnational companies rule: anti-globalists, alter-globalists and ecologic organizations. Anti-globalists, despite of their unfriendliness to globalization, assume that TNCs monopolize national market and destroy state sovereignty. They label actions of transnational companies to occupy local markets as economic war against citizens. In many countries, such as Russia, China and Canada there is a law, restricting actions of TNCs. Alter-globalists are actually not against economic globalization and transnational companies as well, but until they reach a power, which can be compared with power of states. Finally, last but not the least, economic organizations. I can provide you with example: Greenpeace. TNCs have so huge productive assets, that they can endanger local ecologic situation. That is why a lot of producing units are being transported to Third World countries. Drawing up a conclusion, transnational companies showed their ability to break isolation of national economies, involving them into single process with world economic society. They serve as a source of transferring new technologies, spreading information about new products and as a result, change of social preferences occurs. References: A Brief History of Transnational corporations [1]

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Impressionist Paintings as Documents of Paris Capital of Modernity Ess

Impressionist Paintings as Documents of Paris Capital of Modernity Impressionist paintings can be considered documents of Paris capital of modernity to a great extent. This can be seen in their subjects, style of painting, and juxtaposition of the transitive and the eternal. The phrase Paris capital of modernity refers to the time in the second half of the nineteenth century when Paris was considered one of the most innovative cities in the world. This was largely a result of Haussmann’s renovation of the city between 1851 and 1869. A Prefect of Paris under Napoleon III, he transformed Paris into a city with wide streets, new shops and cafes, and a unified architecture. The visual appeal of the renovated city, along with other factors such as the high quality of the art schools, caused Impressionism to take off in Paris around this time (Thomson 2000: 19-20). Impressionist painters wanted to capture the present, not historical or idealistic scenes. For this reason, they painted boulevards, parks, train stations, and other places that were important to modern Paris life. Human figures were important subjects in their paintings, since one of the most effective ways to depict modern life is to show the people living in it. Beyond what they painted, Impressionists conveyed the modern city through their style of painting. They used techniques that emphasized that the scene was a moment in time. Many of their paintings were sketch-like, using thin but visible brushstrokes. They depicted light and shadows accurately, which often set the painting at a certain time of day. Also, they conveyed a sense of movement in their paintings, especially in human figures. These factors allow viewers to believe that the subjects of a painting w... ... considered documents of Paris capital of modernity to a great extent. Their subjects, style, and juxtaposition of the transitive and the eternal give effective depictions of life in Paris at the time. Impressionist paintings will stand alongside written documents as records of late nineteenth century Paris for years to come. Works Cited "Guide to Impressionism." National Gallery, London. Web. 12 Nov 2010. . "Kimbell Art Museum." Web. 12 Nov 2010. . "Luncheon of the Boating Party." The Phillips Collection. Web. 12 Nov 2010. . Belinda Thomson, Impressionism. Origins, Practice, Reception (Thames and Hudson, 2000). Impressionist Paintings as Documents of Paris Capital of Modernity Ess Impressionist Paintings as Documents of Paris Capital of Modernity Impressionist paintings can be considered documents of Paris capital of modernity to a great extent. This can be seen in their subjects, style of painting, and juxtaposition of the transitive and the eternal. The phrase Paris capital of modernity refers to the time in the second half of the nineteenth century when Paris was considered one of the most innovative cities in the world. This was largely a result of Haussmann’s renovation of the city between 1851 and 1869. A Prefect of Paris under Napoleon III, he transformed Paris into a city with wide streets, new shops and cafes, and a unified architecture. The visual appeal of the renovated city, along with other factors such as the high quality of the art schools, caused Impressionism to take off in Paris around this time (Thomson 2000: 19-20). Impressionist painters wanted to capture the present, not historical or idealistic scenes. For this reason, they painted boulevards, parks, train stations, and other places that were important to modern Paris life. Human figures were important subjects in their paintings, since one of the most effective ways to depict modern life is to show the people living in it. Beyond what they painted, Impressionists conveyed the modern city through their style of painting. They used techniques that emphasized that the scene was a moment in time. Many of their paintings were sketch-like, using thin but visible brushstrokes. They depicted light and shadows accurately, which often set the painting at a certain time of day. Also, they conveyed a sense of movement in their paintings, especially in human figures. These factors allow viewers to believe that the subjects of a painting w... ... considered documents of Paris capital of modernity to a great extent. Their subjects, style, and juxtaposition of the transitive and the eternal give effective depictions of life in Paris at the time. Impressionist paintings will stand alongside written documents as records of late nineteenth century Paris for years to come. Works Cited "Guide to Impressionism." National Gallery, London. Web. 12 Nov 2010. . "Kimbell Art Museum." Web. 12 Nov 2010. . "Luncheon of the Boating Party." The Phillips Collection. Web. 12 Nov 2010. . Belinda Thomson, Impressionism. Origins, Practice, Reception (Thames and Hudson, 2000).