Thursday, February 13, 2020

Public document analysis Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Public document analysis - Article Example The police department introduced different departments within its system to improve their security services. Each department plays different roles with the mission and objective of reducing crime. The public interest in seeking for a safe environment for their lives and property spirals the police department to be efficient and interactive. Under the department of Management Information Systems Bureau, the integration of information systems and technology with the responsibilities accorded to the police is focused. †¢ What primary purpose(s) can you identify for this document? The main purpose of the document is to develop confidence in the locals about the services provided by the police department. The introduction of the Management Information Systems Bureau aims at improving the existing policing activities to reduce the rate of crimes in Virgin Islands. Another purpose that the document service s is motivation of the police officers. Training conducted on the new services i ntroduced by the system will ensure provision of quality services to the citizens. The responsibilities of the Commander in charge of communication describe the avenues enforced for the success of the system. Finally, the document warns people involved in crimes that they have minimal chances for escape after breaking the law. The skills used to monitor, analyze and investigate crimes achieved the goal mentioned. †¢ What audience(s) is this document intended for? How can you tell? The target audiences in the document are; the locals in Virgin Island, the police officers, Commander of Communications and the criminals. From the document, the police department is in charge of curbing crimes committed in the area. The mission of the Management Information Systems Bureau is to offer help to the police officers during their investigation operations. Though they have been offering these services, there could have been challenges that they faced. The challenges could probably lead to r ampant crimes and violence. As a result, the citizens could have felt neglected and or undermined. According to the objectives outlined, the police officers targeted will be the implementers of the improved security system. Training on the new technological advances implemented by the department empowers the police officers. The second audience is the locals in Virgin Island States. With the improved system in tackling crimes and violence, they will automatically enjoy a secure environment. The secure environment instills confidence of the community in the police department. As a result, they will assist in playing key roles in reducing crime rates. The responsibilities of the Communications Commander ensure the successful implementation of the system. Finally, criminals are targeted to beware of their movements. The improved investigative and recording system, methods of analysis of crimes, accidents and traffic narrow their crooked lifestyles. †¢ What does the organization or arrangement of the document reveal about its meaning? First, the document starts with a mission statement of the organization, followed by its objectives. From the objectives is the documentation of the communications bureau and finally the responsibilities of the Communications Commander. From this arrangement, the document reveals the possible ways that the organization shall follow so that it can achieve its objectives. From the initial stage, attention of the audience captured facilitates their

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