Monday, November 11, 2019

Organic Food Trends Essay

While these two factors affect the source of organic food, it is the retailers themselves who may trigger the fastest and longest-lasting drop in organic food prices. In response to the decline of sales, a looming price war may push organic food prices down to a level comparable to regular foods. The niche of people who are passionate about their organic foods will remain strong regardless of the price. When they were hot just a few months ago, many grocers and health food stores dedicated more space to stay ahead of the demand. Now that the demand has taken a dive, retailers will be trying to gain a stronger share of the shrinking market. Even Whole Foods, known for higher quality and prices to match, is reducing prices and trying to change their public image. It is in this price war that many who have recently abandoned organic foods may return for the same reason that they left: price. The actual cost difference between organic and normal foods is much lower than the retail price difference because perceptions have allowed the premium rates. As perceptions change, grocers will have to sell their normally high-profit organic foods at or below the cost of their normal counterparts. Source: Figure 5. 1: UK organic food and drink: total retail sales and total imports 2002/03 Multiple retailers: 5. 13 Table 5. 5 shows the most recent data we were able to secure on the percentage share of trade between the multiple retailers for organic and the overall grocery market (2000). The data indicate that Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Waitrose and Safeway account for most UK organic sales. In 2003, two multiples, Sainsbury’s and Tesco were responsible for 27% and 27. 5% respectively of UK organic product sales. Table 5. 5: Multiple retailers’ share of trade – Total Organic vs Retailer Share Track (% share of spend, during 52 weeks ending 17 Sept. 2000) Total organics (%)RST (share of overall grocery market, %) Tesco29. 321. 9 Sainsbury’s29. 817. 3 Asda5. 714. 2 Safeway7. 09. 5 Somerfield2. 46. 6 Morrisons1. 44. 9 Iceland1. 43. 2 Marks & Spencer1. 01. 5 Waitrose9. 71. 4 All others12. 319. 5 Source: TNS Source: http://www. scotland. gov. uk/Publications/2005/05/13153740/37488 Why are more people are choosing organic? In 2006, organic food and drink sales nudged the ? 2 billion mark for the first time, and showed a 22% growth overall. Here’s why more people are choosing to buy organic: †¢Taste – Many people tell us they buy organic food because they believe it tastes better. †¢Food safety – Organic farmers, as far as possible, avoid using unnecessary chemical sprays. Food additives linked to asthma and heart disease are among those banned under organic standards. †¢The environment – Organic farming is friendlier to the environment so there is a much greater diversity of birds, butterflies and plants on organic farms. Organic standards ban the use of GM technology. †¢Animal welfare – Organic farming requires animals to be kept in more natural, free-range conditions with a more natural diet. Source: http://www. soilassociation. org/web/sa/saweb. nsf/Living/whatisorganic. html The year 2008 is a year that is going to be dominated by health consciousness. The top 10 food trends that are going to rule the food world are: 1- Eat Healthy! Health is going to be a major consideration that is going to influence our food habits. It would dictate the pattern of the foods patronized and also in turn what would be available in the market. The manufacturers are ready and eagerly waiting to take a cue from the consumption patterns so as to cash in on this multi-million dollar food market. There will, for sure, be an increase in health foods so as to cater to the demand of the potential customer. 2- Packaging Matters! With growing consciousness, it is important that the foods have a good and eco-friendly packaging and have all details specified on the label. These are definitely going to be the ones that would be preferred. 3- Go Local! An increase in importance to local produce is another significant trend that would be witnessed in the year 2008. Customers would prefer to patronize healthy food items that are grown locally. The growing environmental consciousness and an increase in importance to personal health are going are the reasons for this choice. 4- I want Ready-To-Eat! Convenience foods would however, continue to reign supreme. With people getting busier by the day and having very little time on hand, it is important to have more options for ready to eat meals. Complete meals of one or two dishes would be preferred. The studies conducted recently have gone to show that people prefer to eat at home for most part of the week due to health considerations and thus, convenient foods provide the perfect answer to a busy family that is also health conscious. 5- No McDonald’s for kids! With health of the family gaining priority, the healthy kids recipes is another area that is going to increase in importance. With several entrants in the market this trend is only going to grow by leaps and bounds in the coming months. 6- Weight loss meals get trendy! Obesity has come to be another major consideration that has come to have a significant impact on the food related decisions of a family. Weight loss foods that let you manage your weight problem without having to deprive yourself of the daily nutritional requirements is going to find favor in 2008. 7- Substitute capsules with food! With heart diseases and others becoming a major issue, foods that can fight diseases are going to be popular. Foods with antioxidants that have the property of fighting against diseases are what people are looking out for desperately. Keep the diseases at bay with a healthy and active lifestyle. 8- Indulge Yourself! The growing health consciousness is certainly not going to undermine the importance of premium foods that offer a wonderful reason to indulge. Pampering oneself with an array of exotic tastes and flavors – desserts, pies, and chocolate recipes – is going to be an essential part of our lives across the globe. Entertaining and discovering the treasure house that the culinary world offers are going to be a norm that would not change for any reason. 9- Go Veggies! There is definitely going to be a rise in the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and food with useful bacteria like yogurt. Useful bacteria are going to gain entry into many other food items that are part of our daily diet. 10- Raw Food Rocks! Increase in the consumption of raw food in the form of salads and other enticing dishes is going to be another of the food trends witnessed globally. The benefits of raw food will be explored across the globe. Source: http://my. telegraph. co. uk/butterbites/blog/2008/05/25/top_10_food_trends_for_2008.

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