Monday, December 30, 2019

The Greatest Gift Of Life Is Friendship - 1382 Words

Throughout my life, many people try to figure out who I really am, when I didn’t even know who I was. There is one person who knows who I really am and that is my best friend, Danny. Friendship is a special love. As we all know finding a true friend is always hard. So when one is found, it is important to hang on tight. The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it. I will be remembered for being confident, strong, and a girl that had all the answers. No one had fully ever understood me or my actions, I was constantly on the move, keeping myself busy with any task or activity I could get my hands on, and I never told anyone the entire truth to why that was. My appearance to always seeming like I had confidence, being strong, and having all the answers to any questions could be imputed to one prevailing time period, but was separated into hundreds of different memories of my past, each with their cause and effect. However, it started with two substantial hits , both with afflicting me in my teenage years. I have the best friend that anyone could wish for; Danny, a lovely human being whom I’ve devoted being with and caring for. With my best friend by my side, I am a truly happy teenager with the entire world at my fingertips. I was intelligent and quite cute, with my black curls and big dark brown eyes. This deceived a lot of people, I was a well-behaved child. I would participate in class, do my homework, share just enough about myself that no otherShow MoreRelatedMy Perfect Life Essay763 Words   |  4 PagesMany people think having a perfect life is having a lot of money, doing whatever you want, and having everything you ever wanted. But in my mind, that isn’t the perfect life. The perfect life to me is living life to the fullest creating memories you won’t forget and creating friendships that last forever. 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In comparison, those cozy nights girls spends wrapped in the bonding of sisterhood seems both trivia and naà ¯ve. Although these stereotypes about men’s or women’s friendship are not completely true, there is no doubt that significantRead MoreHow Important Are Friend and Family?1260 Words   |  6 PagesHow Important Are Friends and Family? Do you know what really matters in life? It is a question that many have asked, and many have answered. The answers offered to this question have been varied and variegated, but there are a few that consistently bubble to the surface. Two of those are â€Å"friends† and â€Å"family.† With so many people offering those two answers time and again, it would be unwise to discount them outright. However, what most people mean when they say â€Å"friends† or â€Å"family† may not beRead MoreMy Childhood Friends1058 Words   |  5 Pagesis different, and the type of people I hang around evolve over time. My childhood friends are important and continue to play a role in my life but overall, my friends in high school are more important to me and I consider all of them friends for life. Entering the third grade, my first day of school in Alexandria went surprisingly well. I formed many friendships and quickly found a group of friends I considered worthy of my time. My new group of friends accepted me and I accepted them, creating aRead MoreThe Greatest Gift Of Life998 Words   |  4 PagesThroughout my life, many people try to figure out who I really am; when I didn’t even know who I was. There is one person who knows who I really am and that is my best friend, Danny. Friendship is a special love. As we all know finding a true friend is always hard. So when one is found, it is important to hang on tight. The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it. I will be remembered for being confident, strong, and a girl that had all the answers. No one had fully ever understoodRead MoreThe Lewis And His Influence On The Church Today1280 Words   |  6 Pageswritings and ideas have played an incredible influence on the Church today. Lewis served as a professor at Oxford university as well as an army officer during the First World War (BBC). Throughout his life, Lewis understood the importance of friendship through significant relationships within his own life. His mother died when he was ten, which caused him to grow closer to his older brother Warren. In college, Lewis connected particularly to a friend named Arthur Greeves over their mutual love for Nordic

Sunday, December 22, 2019

A Film “Glory Road”, Based On A True Story Features A Coach,

A film â€Å"Glory Road†, based on a true story features a coach, Don Haskins, who is a basketball coach for the Western Texas Miners. The movie takes place in 1965, Haskin is going against the society’s standards of leading African Americans players to play basketball in college. At the beginning of the movie, Don Haskin struggles to build a good basketball team because no players want to play at a no name school. He doesn’t care about skin color like the society does, but instead, he wants to recruit good players and he looked around for African-American basketball players because he wants to win the NCAA finals and he knew they wouldn t get recruited and he had limited scholarship offers. In one scene, Haskins is being interviewed by a†¦show more content†¦Haskin’s team was the first team in history to have an all black starting lineup. In the middle of the movie, Haskin’s team is traveling to play in the NCAA tournament. At the airport, he is stopped by a reporter and he asks why he is playing so many African American players. He says, â€Å"you re playing a lot of color boys, are you concern whether the Negro players can handle the pressure at the national level? The reporter is implying how a team with mostly only African American players can’t win the championship. In addition, he asked if they are smart enough to handle the mental strain they’ll face in the tournament. Haskin looks displease when the reporter asked him this question. He answered this question, saying his team is just the same as any other team in the league. By asking the question if the African American can handle at the national level, demonstrates they are not smart enough to handle the mental strains. The African American athletes were only shown for their physique because they were only capable of playing great baske tball. Coach Haskin didn’t care if they were smart, he was determined to win the championship and wanted raw talents. The African American were tools to win the championship. The interviewer may see them as physically fit, but not mentally strong to handle the tournament. In the same scene, Haskin talks to the Kentucky coach. He has the best team in the nation and is expected to win the championship. The KentuckyShow MoreRelatedMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words   |  316 PagesFILM LANGUAGE FILM LANGUAGE A Semiotics of the Cinema Christian Metz Translated by Michael Taylor The University of Chicago Press Published by arrangement with Oxford University Press, Inc. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637  © 1974 by Oxford University Press, Inc. All rights reserved. English translation. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Secret Circle The Initiation Chapter Three Free Essays

string(69) " about to deliver bad news and having a hard time finding the words\." An instant later Cassie came out of her daze. She’d better get moving; Logan and Jordan might be coming back any second. And if they realized she’d deliberately lied to them†¦ Cassie winced as she scrambled up the sloping dune. We will write a custom essay sample on The Secret Circle: The Initiation Chapter Three or any similar topic only for you Order Now The world around her seemed ordinary again, no longer full of magic and mystery. It was as if she’d been moving in a dream, and now she’d woken up. What had she been thinking? Some nonsense about silver cords and destiny and a guy who wasn’t like any other guy. But that was all ridiculous. The stone in her hand was just a stone. And words were just words. Even that boy†¦ Of course there was no way he could have heard her thoughts. No one could do that; there had to be a rational explanation†¦ She tightened her grip on the little piece of rock in her palm. Her hand was still tingling where he’d held it, and the skin he’d touched with his fingertips felt different from any other part of her body. She thought that no matter what happened to her in the future, she would always feel his touch. Once inside the summer cottage she and her mother rented, she locked the front door behind her. Then she paused. She could hear her mother’s voice from the kitchen, and from the sound of it she could tell something was wrong. Mrs. Blake was on the phone, her back to the doorway, her head slightly bowed as she clutched the receiver to her ear. As always, Cassie was struck by the willow slimness of her mother’s figure. With that and the fall of long, dark hair worn simply clasped at the back of her neck, Mrs. Blake could have been a teenager herself. It made Cassie feel protective toward her. In fact, sometimes she almost felt as if she were the mother and her mother the child. And just now it made her decide not to interrupt her mother’s conversation. Mrs. Blake was upset, and at intervals she said â€Å"Yes† or â€Å"I know† into the mouthpiece in a voice full of strain. Cassie turned and went to her bedroom. She wandered over to the window and looked out, wondering vaguely what was going on with her mother. But she couldn’t keep her mind on anything but the boy on the beach. Even if Portia knew his name, she would never tell, Cassie was sure of that. But without his name, how would Cassie ever find him again? She wouldn’t. That was the brutal truth, and she might as well face it right now. Even if she did find out his name, she wasn’t the sort to chase after a boy. She wouldn’t know how. â€Å"And in one week I’m going home,† she whispered. For the first time these words didn’t bring a surge of comfort and hope. She put the rough little piece of chalcedony down on the night-stand, with a sort of final clink. â€Å"Cassie? Did you say something?† Cassie turned quickly to see her mother in the doorway. â€Å"Mom! I didn’t know you were off the phone.† When her mother continued to look at her inquiringly, she added, â€Å"I was just thinking out loud. I was saying that we’ll be going home next week.† An odd expression crossed her mother’s face, like a flash of repressed pain. Her large black eyes had dark circles under them and wandered nervously around the room. â€Å"Mom, what’s wrong?† said Cassie. â€Å"I was just talking with your grandmother. You remember how I was planning for us to drive up and see her sometime next week?† Cassie remembered very well. She’d told Portia she and her mother were going to drive up the coast, and Portia had snapped that it wasn’t called the coast here. From Boston down to the Cape it was the south shore, and from Boston up to New Hampshire it was the north shore, and if you were going to Maine it was down east, and anyway, where did her grandmother live? And Cassie hadn’t been able to answer because her mother had never told her the name of the town. â€Å"Yes,† she said. â€Å"I remember.† â€Å"I just got off the phone with her. She’s old, Cassie, and she’s not doing very well. It’s worse than I realized.† â€Å"Oh, Mom. I’m sorry.† Cassie had never met her grandmother, never even seen a picture of her, but she still felt awful. Her mother and grandmother had been estranged for years, since Cassie had been born. It was something about her mother leaving home, but that was all her mother would ever say about it. In the past few years, though, there had been some letters exchanged, and Cassie thought that underneath they still loved each other. She hoped they did, anyway, and she’d been looking forward to seeing her grandmother for the first time. â€Å"I’m really sorry, Mom,† she said now. â€Å"Is she going to be okay?† â€Å"I don’t know. She’s all by herself in that big house and she’s lonely†¦ and now with this phlebitis it’s hard for her to get around some days.† The sunshine fell in strips of light and shadow across her mother’s face. She spoke quietly but almost stiltedly, as if she were holding some strong emotion back with difficulty. â€Å"Cassie, your grandmother and I have had our problems, but we’re still family, and she hasn’t got anyone else. It’s time we buried our differences.† Her mother had never spoken so freely about the estrangement before. â€Å"What was it all about, Mom?† â€Å"It doesn’t matter now. She wanted me to – follow a path I didn’t want to follow. She thought she was doing the right thing†¦ and now she’s all alone and she needs help.† Dismay whispered through Cassie. Concern for the grandmother she’d never met – and something else. A trickle of alarm started by the look on her mother’s face, which was that of someone about to deliver bad news and having a hard time finding the words. You read "The Secret Circle: The Initiation Chapter Three" in category "Essay examples" â€Å"Cassie, I’ve thought a lot about this, and there’s only one thing for us to do. And I’m sorry, because it will mean such a disruption of your life, and it will be so hard on you†¦ but you’re young. You’ll adapt. I know you will.† A twinge of panic shot through Cassie. â€Å"Mom, it’s all right,† she said quickly. â€Å"You stay here and do what you need to. I can get ready for school by myself. It’ll be easy; Beth and Mrs. Freeman will help me – † Cassie’s mother was shaking her head, and suddenly Cassie felt she had to go on, to cover everything in a rush of words. â€Å"I don’t need that many new school clothes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"Cassie, I’m so sorry. I need you to try and understand, sweetheart, and to be adult about this. I know you’ll miss your friends. But we’ve both got to try to make the best of things.† Her mother’s eyes were fixed on the window, as if she couldn’t bear to look at Cassie. Cassie went very still. â€Å"Mom, what are you trying to say?† â€Å"I’m saying we’re not going home, or at least not back to Reseda. We’re going to my home, to move in with your grandmother. She needs us. We’re going to stay here.† Cassie felt nothing but a dazed numbness. She could only say stupidly, as if this were what mattered, â€Å"Where’s ‘here’? Where does Grandma live?† For the first time her mother turned from the window. Her eyes seemed bigger and darker than Cassie had ever seen them before. â€Å"New Salem,† she said quietly. â€Å"The town is called New Salem.† Hours later, Cassie was still sitting by the window, staring blankly. Her mind was running in helpless, useless circles. To stay here†¦ to stay in New England†¦ An electric shock ran through her. Him. I knew we’d see him again, something inside her proclaimed, and it was glad. But it was only one voice and there were many others, all speaking at once. To stay. Not going home. And what difference does it make if the guy is here in Massachusetts somewhere? You don’t know his name or where he lives. You’ll never find him again. But there’s a chance, she thought desperately. And the voice deepest inside, the one that had been glad before, whispered: More than a chance. It’s your fate. Fate! the other voices scoffed. Don’t be ridiculous! It’s your fate to spend your junior year in New England, that’s all. Where you don’t know anyone. Where you’ll be alone. Alone, alone, alone, all the other voices agreed. The deep voice was crushed and disappeared. Cassie felt any hope of seeing the red-haired boy again slip away from her. What she was left with was despair. I won’t even get to say good-bye to my friends at home, she thought. She’d begged her mother for the chance to go back, just to say good-bye. But Mrs. Blake had said there was no money and no time. Their airline tickets would be cashed in. All their things would be shipped to Cassie’s grandmother’s house by a friend of her mother’s. â€Å"If you went back,† her mother had said gently, â€Å"you’d only feel worse about leaving again. This way at least it will be a clean break. And you can see your friends next summer.† Next summer? Next summer was a hundred years away. Cassie thought of her friends: good-natured Beth and quiet Clover, and Miriam the class wit. Add to that shy and dreamy Cassie and you had their group. So maybe they weren’t the in-crowd, but they had fun and they’d stuck together since elementary school. How would she get along without them until next summer? But her mother’s voice had been so soft and distracted, and her eyes had wandered around the room in such a vague, preoccupied way, that Cassie hadn’t had the heart to rant and rave the way she would have liked. In fact, for an instant Cassie had wanted to go to her mother and throw her arms around her and tell her everything would be all right. But she couldn’t. The small, hot coal of resentment burning in her chest wouldn’t let her. However worried her mother might be, she didn’t have to face the prospect of going to a strange new school in a state three thousand miles from where she belonged. Cassie did. New hallways, new lockers, new classrooms, new desks, she thought. New faces instead of the friends she’d known since junior high. Oh, it couldn’t be true. Cassie hadn’t screamed at her mother this afternoon, and she hadn’t hugged her, either. She had just silently turned away to the window, and this was where she’d been sitting ever since, while the light slowly faded and the sky turned first salmon pink and then violet and then black. It was a long time before she went to bed. And it was only then that she realized she’d forgotten all about the chalcedony lucky piece. She reached out and took it from the nightstand and slipped it under her pillow. Portia stopped by as Cassie and her mother were loading the rental car. â€Å"Going home?† she said. Cassie gave her tote bag a final push to squeeze it into the trunk. She had just realized she didn’t want Portia to find out she was staying in New England. She couldn’t stand to have Portia know of her unhappiness; it would give Portia a kind of triumph over her. When she looked up, she had her best attempt at a pleasant smile in place. â€Å"Yes,† she said, and flicked a quick glance over to where her mother was leaning in the driver’s-side door, arranging things in the backseat. â€Å"I thought you were staying until the end of next week.† â€Å"We changed our minds.† She looked into Portia’s hazel eyes and was startled by the coldness there. â€Å"Not that I didn’t have a good time. It’s been fun,† Cassie added, hastily and foolishly. Portia shook straw-colored hair off her forehead. â€Å"Maybe you’d better stay out west from now on,† she said. â€Å"Around here, we don’t like liars.† Cassie opened her mouth and then shut it again, cheeks flaming. So they did know about her deception on the beach. This was the time for one of those devastatingly witty remarks that she thought of at night to say to Portia – and, of course, she couldn’t summon up a word. She pressed her lips together. â€Å"Have a nice trip,† Portia concluded, and with one last cold glance, she turned away. â€Å"Portia!† Cassie’s stomach was in a knot of tension, embarrassment, and anger, but she couldn’t let this chance go. â€Å"Before I leave, will you just tell me one thing?† â€Å"What?† â€Å"It can’t make any difference now – and I just wanted to know†¦ I just wondered†¦ if you knew his name.† â€Å"Whose name?† Cassie felt a new wave of blood in her cheeks, but she went on doggedly. â€Å"His name. The red-haired guy. The one on the beach.† Those hazel eyes didn’t waver. They went on staring straight into Cassie’s, the pupils contracted to mean little dots. Looking into those eyes, Cassie knew there was no hope. She was right. â€Å"What red-haired guy on the beach?† Portia said distinctly and levelly, and then she turned on her heel again and left. This time Cassie let her go. Green. That’s what Cassie noticed on the drive north from the Cape. There was a forest growing on either side of the highway. In California you had to go to a national park to see trees this tall†¦ â€Å"Those are sugar maples,† her mother said with forced cheerfulness as Cassie turned her head slightly to follow a stand of particularly graceful trees. â€Å"And those shorter ones are red maple. They’ll turn red in the fall – a beautiful glowing, sunset red. Just wait until you see them.† Cassie didn’t answer. She didn’t want to see the trees in the fall because she didn’t want to be here. They passed through Boston and drove up the coast – up the north shore, Cassie corrected herself fiercely – and Cassie watched quaint little towns and wharves and rocky beaches slip by. She suspected they were taking the scenic route, and she felt resentment boil up in her chest. Why couldn’t they just get there and get it over with? â€Å"Isn’t there a faster way?† she said, opening the glove compartment and pulling out a map supplied by the car rental company. â€Å"Why don’t we take Route 1? Or Interstate 95?† Her mother kept her eyes on the road. â€Å"It’s been a long time since I drove up here, Cassie. This is the way I know.† â€Å"But if you cut over here at Salem†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Cassie watched the exit go by. â€Å"Okay, don’t,† she said. Of all places in Massachusetts, Salem was the only one she could think of that she wanted to see. Its macabre history appealed to her mood right now. â€Å"That’s where they burned the witches, isn’t it?† she said. â€Å"Is New Salem named for it? Did they burn witches there, too?† â€Å"They didn’t burn anyone; they hanged them. And they weren’t witches. Just innocent people who happened to be disliked by their neighbors.† Her mother’s voice was tired and patient. â€Å"And Salem was a common name in colonial times; it comes from ‘Jerusalem.’ â€Å" The map was blurring before Cassie’s eyes. â€Å"Where is this town, anyway? It’s not even listed,† she said. There was a brief silence before her mother replied. â€Å"It’s a small town; quite often it’s not shown on maps. But as a matter of fact, it’s on an island.† â€Å"An island?† â€Å"Don’t worry. There’s a bridge to the mainland.† But all Cassie could think was, An island. I’m going to live on an island. In a town that isn’t even on the map. The road was unmarked. Mrs. Blake turned down it and the car crossed the bridge, and then they were on the island. Cassie had expected it to be tiny, and her spirits lifted a little when she saw that it wasn’t. There were regular stores, not just tourist shops, clustered together in what must be the center of town. There was a Dunkin’ Donuts and an International House of Pancakes with a banner proclaiming grand opening. In front of it there was someone dressed up like a giant pancake, dancing. Cassie felt the knot in her stomach loosen. Any town with a dancing pancake couldn’t be all bad, could it? But then her mother turned onto another road that rose and got lonelier and lonelier as the town fell behind. They must be going to the ultimate point of the headland, Cassie realized. She could see it, the sun glinting red off the windows on a group of houses at the top of a bluff. She watched them get closer, at first uneasily, then anxiously, and finally with sick dismay. Because they were old. Terrifyingly old, not just quaint or gracefully aged, but ancient. And although some were in good repair, others looked as if they might fall over in a crash of splintering timbers any minute. Please let it be that one, Cassie thought, fixing her eyes on a pretty yellow house with several towers and bay windows. But her mother drove by it without slowing. And by the next and the next. And then there was only one house left, the last house on the bluff, and the car was heading toward it. Heartsick, Cassie stared at it as they approached. It was shaped like a thick upside-down T, with one wing facing the road and one wing sticking straight out the back. As they came around the side Cassie could see that the back wing looked nothing like the front. It had a steeply sloping roof and small, irregularly placed windows made of tiny, diamond-shaped panes of glass. It wasn’t even painted, just covered with weathered gray clapboard siding. The front wing had been painted†¦ once. Now what was left was peeling off in strips. The two chimneys looked crumbling and unstable, and the entire slate roof seemed to sag. The windows were regularly placed across the front, but most looked as if they hadn’t been washed in ages. Cassie stared wordlessly. She had never seen a more depressing house in her life. This couldn’t be the one. â€Å"Well,† said her mother, in that tone of forced cheerfulness, as she turned into a gravel driveway, â€Å"this is it, the house I grew up in. We’re home.† Cassie couldn’t speak. The bubble of horror and fury and resentment inside her was swelling bigger and bigger until she thought it would explode. How to cite The Secret Circle: The Initiation Chapter Three, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Anaysis of Collection House Limited

Question: Analysis of Collection House Limited. Answer: Executive summary The company chosen for review is Collection house limited which have been mainly engaged in the business of debt collection service as well as management of receivables throughout the Australasia. Also it has been seen that they purchase debt as required by the subsidiary Lion finance pity Ltd. They have separate segment in regard to the collection services which is specifically in respect of the commissions which earned due to providing of various services such as debt collection by them on behalf of client and also the purchase debt ledger segments have been acquired by three groups in regard to the collection of the debt for the clients. In summarising, it can be said that the Collection house limited provide various services like receivable management, debt collection, debt purchasing, collection services credit management services, legal services etc. Collecting hues limited has one of the subsidiary which is Misstate Credit collect policy ltd. Has been consider as a collection agency which have been involved in providing state wide coverage as well as collection services in regard to the debt mainly for the consumer debt, council rates, utilities, local authority etc. The collection House limited have been established in 1992 and listed on ASX in the year 2000. It is also provided that company have approx 11 offices in various countries (Australia, New Zealand, and also the Philippines). There are approx 850 staffs in the mentioned country so as to provide various services ( (2016). Their commitment shows that they provide solution which would help to span the entire credit life cycle, for consumer outcomes and also support barns protection. They have also prepared long term strategy at various levels for diversification at different level such as clients, product, staff diversity etc. As per the data gathered, it has been observed that Collection House Limited has been building a very strong relationship alone with the major Australian as well as the International banks, insurance houses, corporations, financial Institutions and also with the government and public utilities. Some of the major services are as: Receivable Management Debt purchase Collection of Debt Services in regard to the credit management Insolvency as well as legal services Taking into consideration the above and also on the basis of research it has been found that they have properly maintain ethical standard and also the strong culture compliance which have been in accordance with the law and regulations in order to properly govern the business. Also the ongoing success can e taken as a proof for the commitment they are complying like in relation to the debt recovery, our displaced approach for the business as well as strategy and main focus will create value Collection house limited being a listed company with ASX code CLH have been operating since 22years and having large staff of 850 people including the experience management staff as well as the executive team management having average experience of approx 10years. Collection House limited has been considering as different from its competitor. This is mainly due to the adoption of approach of ethical debt recovery and also due to the adoption of the leading compliance standards. It has been proven that the Collection House limited group has achieved the continuing growth without diminishing the ethical standards and other prescribed laws and regulations ( (2016). the main focus of the group is to create value for the customers as well as client relationship. The same has been achieved due to offering of various multi disciplined services such as receivable management, debt collection services and many more. Further, it has been observed that the engagements of the group with the client as well as customer is efficient as well as ethical and have been further enhanced by the use of technologies of industry. This would also support or enable the group to provide effective as well as innovative work so as to assist customer in a better way and for successfully manage the debt recovery process. In the similar way, the group has created much innovative software system which would drive very efficiently as well as productivity and consequently would provide or deliver improved functionality and significant intellectual property to the group. Since the group have been driven by the unwavering commitments for the business conduct which are lawful, respectful, the same has been embedded to add values as well as inspirational goal towards the society. Collection House Limited has been striving to strive for the excellence by using globally recognized best prevailing practices. Their main goal is as follows: To be proved a s the good agency for the choice of client by maintain the strong relationship To compliance with the law, regulations and regarded by thru regulators for leading in the path of ethical standards. To be proven by the staff as provider of good working environment which will provide value , innovation, accountability as well as team work Introduction Collection house limited being a listed company with ASX code CLH have been operating since 22years and having large staff of 850 people including the experience management staff as well as the executive team management having average experience of approx 10years. Some of the major services are as: Receivable Management Debt purchase Collection of Debt Services in regard to the credit management Insolvency as well as legal services 30th June 2014 30th June 2015 30th June 2014 Assets $000 $000 % Change Current assets Cash and Cash Equivalent 7,222 704 926% Receivable 10,265 9,574 7% Purchase debt ledger 57,167 51,669 11% Other current Assets 1,089 1,044 4% Total current assets 75,743 62,991 20.24 Non- current assets Purchase debt ledger 198822 1,82,581 9% Property, Plant equipment 5,475 5,436 11% Intangible Assets 35614 34222 4% Total non- current assets 2,39,911 2,22,239 7.95 Total Assets 3,15,654 2,85,230 10.67 Liabilities Current liabilities Trade and other payables 16,013 13,628 18% Borrowings 0 323 -100% Current Tax Liabilities 2,027 7071 -71% Provision 3,067 2,906 6% Other financial liabilities 2149 1600 34% Total current liability 23,256 25,528 -8.90 Non-current liabilities Borrowings 1,19,000 99,800 19% Deferred Tax Payable 1,854 1,331 39% Provision 402 356 13% Other financial liabilities 477 2226 -79% Total non current liabilities 1,21,733 1,03,713 17.37 Total liabilities 1,44,989 1,29,241 12.18 Equity Share Capital 1,05,307 1,02,285 3% Reserves 2188 1959 12% Retained earning 63170 51,745 22% Total equity 1,70,665 1,55,989 9.41 Below table shows brief comparison (Amounts in $ 000) Particulars 2015 2014 % increase or -decrease Total current assets 75,743.00 62,991.00 0.20 Total non-current assets 2,39,911.00 2,22,239.00 0.08 Total current liabilities 23,256.00 25,528.00 -0.09 Total non-current liabilities 1,21,733.00 1,03,713.00 0.17 Total stockholder's equity 1,70,665.00 1,55,989.00 0.09 On the basis of above table, it has been clear that There is increase in the current assets by 20 %, which is mainly due to increase in cash comparison to the last year. This show good performance of the company. On the other hand increase in the non- current assets by 8% positively shows good performance in part of the company (Accounting tools, 2015). Increase in the current liability by 9 5 is mainly due to requirement to make enhanced provision as well as increase in other financial liability. This increase would not have any negative impact on the performance of the company. Noncurrent liability increase by 17% clearly implies that some liability have been increased which are not expected to be released within 12 months such as borrowing, defer tax liability, increase in the provision. In the stated case, increase in the equity is due to issue of shares and also there is increase in the retained earnings and also in the reserves. All these increase shows positive performance In the nutshell, it can be stated that financial position of the company on the basis of balance sheet shows positive performance of the company but simultaneously there is requirement to reduce the financial liabilities Review of the income statement: The total operating revenues of the company are $ 126043000 The Cost of goods sold of the company are $Nil The total expenses before taxes of the company are $ 31892000 The non-operating gains and losses of the company are $0 The earning per share of the company is $17.20 Below table shows brief comparison (Amounts in $ 000) Particulars 30th June 2015 30th June 2014 % increase or -decrease Total operating revenues 1,26,043.00 1,07,337.00 0.17 Cost of goods sold Total expenses (before taxes) 31,892.00 26,960.00 0.18 Any non-operating (or extraordinary) gains and losses - - Earnings per common share 17.20 14.70 0.17 On the basis of above table, There is increase in the revenue by 17% and on the other hand there is also increase in the expenses by 18%. This is not a positive sign because even though the revenue has been increased in the year 2015 but simultaneously expenditure has been increase with a percentage higher than the increase in the revenue. Hence it I advisable that company should took a way and step must be taken to increase the revenue in a way that there is also cost cutting. In the nutshell, company must focus to reduce the expenses i.e. cost cutting must be adopted. Also, the Company must adopt certain marketing strategy in a way that revenue would be increase Review of the statement of cash flows: The net cash inflow from operating activities of the company are $ 77669000 The net cash inflow from the financing activities of the company are $4637000 The net cash inflow from the investing activities of the company are $- 75362000 The net increase in the cash during the year of the company are $ 6980000 Below table shows brief comparison (Amounts in $ 000) Particulars 2015 2014 % increase or -decrease Net cash inflow from operating activities 77,669.00 65,971.00 0.18 Net cash inflow from financing activities 4,637.00 17,612.00 -0.74 Net cash inflow from investing activities -75,362.00 -85,639.00 -0.12 Net increase in cash during the year 6,980.00 -2,056.00 -4.39 On the basis of above table, Increase in the operating cash inflow by 18 % specified that thief increase due to increase in the operating revenue i.e. day to day activities. This shoe positive performance. There is decrease in the financing cash flow by 74%. Causes for the decrease are fewer amounts received from the borrowing in comparison to the last year, dividend paid is higher than the last year and also it has been clear that there are some buy back of high amount since the receipt form equity shares and other equity securities are very lower than the last year i.e. 2014. Decrease in the investing activities may be due purchase of assets which represent high cash outflow... this is not a sign of good performance In the nutshell, Collection House limited must keep view in regard to the financing as well as investing activities in addition to the operating activities. Step must be taken in a way that they are able to enhance the cash flow during the period of business and consequently the same could be increased which is consider as one of the important factor while making investment decision by the investors. Review of the stockholders equity: The following is the list of the required account balances: (Amounts in $ 000) Particulars 2015 2014 % increase or -decrease Issued capital 1,05,307.00 1,02,285.00 0.03 Reserves 2,188.00 1,959.00 0.12 Retained earnings 63,170.00 51,745.00 0.22 There is increase in the issue capital by 3 % which is due to issue of shares. Also increase in the reserves as well as retained earning shows good performance of the company. In the nutshell, it can be stated that increase reserves as well retained earnings is a sign of good performance and measures must be taken to continue the same. Conclusion On the basis of analysis it can clearly stated that business activities have been hinder growth ante hand and on the other hand there is sign positive improvement. Steps must be taken to make strategy improve revenue and must focus to decrease the cost since the % increase in revenue is less than the % increase in expenses. However, as per the balance sheet, financial position of the company is good since there is increase in the Assets whether current assets, non-current Assets and also there is decrease in the current liability. There is increase in the issue capital by 3 % which is due to issue of shares. Also increase in the reserves as well as retained earning shows good performance of the company. In the nutshell, it can be stated that increase reserves as well retained earnings is a sign of good performance and measures must be taken to continue the same. References (2016).Collection House Ltd, CLH:ASX profile -, 'Financial Analysis and Accounting Book of Reference: Statement of Financial Position | IFRS Statements | IFRS Reports | Readyratios.Com'. Nap. 2015. Web. 22 May 2016. (2016).What is a noncurrent asset? | AccountingCoach.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Compare and Contrast Poems by Sassoon and by Owen, how they bring out their treatment of war Essay Example

Compare and Contrast Poems by Sassoon and by Owen, how they bring out their treatment of war Paper The horror of war influenced these two great poets to express their disgust in poems. They both, however use contrasting styles: Owen chooses to express his disgust and anger through poems that give the reader a precise picture of what the war was really like; whereas Sassoon was an officer who protested against the way that war was being portrayed at the time. Like Owen, he wrote poems that scorned people like Jessie Pope, who glorified war. Sassoon, who came from a privileged background, showed that after going to fight and getting an award for bravery, he hated war. He didnt like the attitudes that the other offers had upon the war and thought that they were unnecessarily prolonging it. After writing a public protest, he wrote poems that had a cutting sarcasm, which were intended to attack the officers with pejorative language. In It Doesnt Matter he uses sarcasm to great effect, mimicking the voice used by people when a soldier perhaps doesnt want to fight and they are trying to persuade him. The line Theres such splendid work for the blind; is particularly hard-hitting because it is fiercely telling the reader in a heavily laden sarcastic tone, that it is fine to have ones eyes taken away because there is good care for the blind, of course he actually means that it is not fine to have your eyes taken in war because of the pain and misery that will be suffered; Owen on the other hand, in Disabled chooses to show the harsh reality upfront. legless, sewn short at the elbow tells us exactly how the man is. This is where the two poets are different. Owen tends to give us the full brutality of what happens at war, raising the awareness of the public that it is not a game the biggest thats played but a bloody mess. Sassoon likes to target the officers that thought that is was a game, and sliced into their conscience and accused them of, in Suicide in the Trenches, driving someone to suicide, he makes them feel guilty. There are many similarities between Sassoon and Owen as well as differences. When their paths crossed at Craiglockhart Hospital, where Owen was sent for shell shock, and Sassoon for punishment because of his open protest. We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Poems by Sassoon and by Owen, how they bring out their treatment of war specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Poems by Sassoon and by Owen, how they bring out their treatment of war specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Poems by Sassoon and by Owen, how they bring out their treatment of war specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Owen who presented some of his poems greeted Sassoon, because he was well known as an author and poet. Sassoon helped Owen write some poems but Owen kept his style of creating, what can only be described as, brilliant, truthful and vivid imagery. This was most evident in Dulce et Decorum est when Sassoon helped Owen out. The similarities between them are that they both attack people who make war seem pleasant and fun, and some of the poems like Anthem for Doomed Youth where Sassoon helped Owen with rhythm and structure of the poems. If poems from Sassoon and Owen are compared, there are certain elements of their poems which have the same aim but do it in a different way: look at Does it Matter and Disabled and the two poets are trying to show the injuries suffered by soldiers and the way that they are victimised. Owen uses the sad tragedy of a young man with everything going for him loose all that he is: a fit footballer, a ladies man, independent, turned to legless and in a wheeled chair, to highlight the horror of war. He seems to be showing that even the innocent can be attacked by the dreadfulness of battle. He is very sombre in this poem and finds word which will make a reader screw their face up in the thought of what he has written, leap of purple spurted from his thigh. He enriches the poem with thick, sour and ghastly imagery, for example Hes lost his colour very far from here, Poured it down shell holes till the veins ran dry Sassoons approach to the same subject is coated with glossy sarcasm and heavy accusations towards his readers, making them feel guilty that people who get pushed out to fight without the slightest feeling that they might return with horrendous injuries. After all, does it matter? Losing your legs? For people will always be kind, Sassoons main targets are his fellow officers who had this kind of disgusting attitude, which Siegfried hated. He said once that he particularly wanted to upset blood-thirsty civilians and those who falsely glorified the war. Other poems that they wrote also dealt with the same kind of subject. Owen once again writes passionately in Exposure which is the poem that he uses most to show the conditions that soldiers had to go through, for example Pale flakes with fingering stealth come feeling for our faces using the personal we to tell his reader that he has been there and seen this, he is not making it up. Sassoon, on the other hand, uses the idea of an innocent, simple soldier boy very much like in Disabled and takes him into the winter trenches, cowed and glum and shows as Owen does in Exposure the hell where youth and laughter go. This ending line is completely contradictory. Youth and laughter are good things which should be sent to heaven, but instead they are sent to hell, which can only happen in war. The poor boy who committed suicide put a bullet through his brain because of the constant crumps and lice and lack of rum. It seems that he has gone mad. I personally think that if I was an officer reading Sassoons work, I would feel extremely guilty because I would probably be one of those who glorified war thinking that it didnt matter if people lost legs, because people will always be kind. But if I was a sixteen year old wanting to join the army to impress my girlfriend, and I read Owens accounts of the trenches, I would most certainly reconsider joining up.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Life in the Mesopelagic Zone of the Ocean

Life in the Mesopelagic Zone of the Ocean The ocean is a vast habitat that is divided into several regions inclusive of the open water (pelagic zone), water near the ocean floor (demersal zone), and the ocean floor (benthic zone). The pelagic zone consists of the open ocean excluding areas near the coasts and sea floor. This zone is divided into five major layers marked by depth. The mesopelagic zone extends from 200 to 1,000 meters (660-3,300 feet) below the surface of the ocean. This area is known as the twilight zone, as it sits between the epipelagic zone, which receives the most light, and the bathypelagic zone, which receives no light. The light that reaches the mesopelagic zone is dim and does not allow for photosynthesis. However, distinctions between day and night can be made in the upper regions of this zone. Key Takeaways Known as the twilight zone, the mesopelagic zone extends from 660s include fish, shrimp, squid, snipe eels, jellyfish, and zooplankton. The mesopelagic zone experiences significant temperature changes which decrease with depth. This zone also plays an important role in the cycling of carbon and maintenance of the oceans food chain. Many of the mesopelagic animals help to control the numbers of upper ocean surface organisms and in turn serve as sources of food for other marine animals. Conditions in the Mesopelagic Zone The conditions in the mesopelagic zone are more harsh than those of the upper epipelagic zone. The low levels of light in this zone make in impossible for photosynthetic organisms to survive in this ocean region. Light, oxygen, and temperature decrease with depth, while salinity and pressure increase. Due to these conditions, little resources for food are available in the mesopelagic zone, requiring the animals that inhabit this area to migrate to the epipelagic zone to find food.   The red line in this illustration shows a typical seawater temperature profile. In the thermocline, temperature decreases rapidly from the mixed upper layer of the ocean to much colder deep water in the thermocline (mesopelagic zone). National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration The mesopelagic zone also contains the thermocline layer. This is a transition layer where temperatures change rapidly from the base of the epipelagic zone through the mesopelagic zone. Water in the epipelagic zone is exposed to sunlight and rapid currents that distribute warm water throughout the zone. In the thermocline, the warmer water from the epipelagic zone mixes with the cooler water of the deeper mesopelagic zone. The thermocline depth varies yearly depending on global region and season. In tropical regions, thermocline depth is semi-permanent. In polar regions, it is shallow, and in temperate regions, it varies, usually becoming deeper in summer. Animals That Live in the Mesopelagic Zone Anglerfish (Melanocetus murrayi) Mid-Atlantic Ridge, North Atlantic Ocean. Anglerfish have sharp teeth and a luminescent bulb that is used to attract prey. David Shale/Nature Picture Library/Getty Images There are a number of marine animals that live in  the mesopelagic zone. These animals include fish, shrimp, squid, snipe eels, jellyfish, and zooplankton. Mesopelagic animals play an important role in the global carbon cycle and oceans food chain. These organisms migrate in massive number to the oceans surface at dusk in search of food. Doing so under the cover of dark helps them to avoid daytime predators. Many of the mesopelagic animals, like zooplankton, feed on phytoplankton found abundantly in the upper epipelagic zone. Other predators follow zooplankton in search of food creating a vast ocean food web. When dawn arises, the mesopelagic animals retreat back to the cover of the dark mesopelagic zone. In the process, atmospheric carbon obtained by consumed surface animals is transferred to the ocean depths. Additionally, mesopelagic marine bacteria also play an important role in global carbon cycling by capturing carbon dioxide and converting it to organic materials, such as pr oteins and carbohydrates, that can be used to support marine life. The animals in the mesopelagic zone have adaptations to life in this dimly lit zone. Many of the animals are capable of generating light by a process called bioluminescence. Among such animals are jellyfish-like creatures known as salps. They use bioluminescence for communication and to attract prey. Anglerfish are another example of bioluminescent deep-sea mesopelagic animals. These strange looking fish have sharp teeth and a glowing bulb of flesh that extends from their dorsal spine. This glowing light attracts prey directly into the mouth of the anglerfish. Other animal adaptations to life in the mesopelagic zone include silvery scales that reflect light to help fish blend in with their environment and  well developed large eyes that are directed upward. This helps fish and crustaceans to locate predators or prey. Sources DallOlmo, Giorgio, et al. Substantial Energy Input to the Mesopelagic Ecosystem from the Seasonal Mixed-Layer Pump. Nature Geoscience, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Nov. 2016,  New Research Reveals Sound of Deep-Water Animal Migration., 19 Feb. 2016,  Pachiadaki, Maria G., et al. Major Role of Nitrite-Oxidizing Bacteria in Dark Ocean Carbon Fixation. Science, vol. 358, no. 6366, 2017, pp. 1046–1051., doi:10.1126/science.aan8260.  Pelagic Zone V. Nekton Assemblages (Crustacea, Squid, Sharks, and Bony Fishes). MBNMS,  What Is a Thermocline?† NOAAs National Ocean Service, 27 July 2015,

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ethics Harassment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Ethics Harassment - Essay Example In today's world, organisations and workplaces have become extremely diversified and have adopted varied stance s in terms of job processes and the general outlook. What is striking in such a scenario, is the prevalence of organizational or work ethics. Ethics has evolved to become an important aspect fo organizational functioning, since it deals with the self-esteem and the very importance attached to employees in an organisation. Is it but well known, that an employee is the building block of an organisation and the importance attached to ethics in today's organisations are a reflection of the same. In today's workplaces, harassment has become a very repetitive occurrence, with cases being reported every now and then. The various forms of harassment range that come under the purview have increased by the day, with sexual harassment topping the list. The issue came to the fore-front, in the 1970s and ever since, a number of committees, benches and organisations have come into the picture, to outline the relationship between work ethics and harassment. Sexual harassment as an abuse of power has become front-page news in the U.S. business press. Recently, BusinessWeek detailed the sexual harassment endured by salespeople at the U.S. subsidiary of Astra AB, a major Swedish pharmaceutical firm (Maremont 1996). This harassment was perpetrated by people at the highest levels of the organization and salespeople who did not comply found life at the firm extremely difficult. The attention to workplace sexual harassment generally focuses on harassment of employees by others within the same firm. [Insights into Sexual Harassment of Salespeople by Customers: The Role of Gender and Customer Power Leslie M, Fine, C. David Shepherd and Susan L. Josephs] When workplaces become diversified and new parameters of work assessment emerge, it is important to maintain workplace ethics. However, when cases of favourtism and sexual harassment emerge, it certainly goes against what is legally permissive in the ethical nature of actions in workplaces. It becomes difficult when talented individuals are put down, on account of the sexual favours received from other quarters. Besides this, when bosses do harass their subordinates and the like, it goes against moral codes of conduct. Organisational Behaviour is often considered at four different levels. Individual Behaviour, which deals with the single fundamental unit of the organisation, talks about the individualistic perspective. It revolves around an individual's perceptions, actions, notions, temperament and contribution to the organisation. At a higher plane, we have the Group Dynamics, that involves interactions of a group. It is inclusive of team work and team-bonding, while also delving into the nature of interactions, inter-group interactions, departmentalization and the like. An organisation can also be demarcated in terms of the diverse processes and the clubbing of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Kinotrope Technology in The Difference Engine Essay

Kinotrope Technology in The Difference Engine - Essay Example Charles Babbage, now known as Lord Babbage, invention leads to Britain being ruled by intellectuals. The Lord Byron, once Charles’s assistant, goes on to become Britain’s prime minister (Gibson & Bruce 67). Furthermore, the invention of the Difference Engine causes class warfare between the old guard and the new guard. The new guard wins this war, led by Lord Byron who assumes power after this upheaval. The novel is not one continuous narrative about Babbage rather it is the amalgamation of three stories. The novel first introduces the reader to Sybil Gerard, the daughter of a Luddite. Luddites, in this book, are the working class that oppose technology and are suppressed by the rulers (Gibson & Bruce 83). Sybil is not successful in her search for gainful employment and resorts to prostitution to make ends meet. Later she becomes the apprentice of a clacker under Sam Houston in the state of Texas. The second character is Edward â€Å"Leviathan† Mallory who has several titles under his belt. He is an explorer and a palaeontologist. His story revolves around the fact that he is being chased for his knowledge of a device known as the Modus (Gibson & Bruce106). The last character in the book is Laurence Oliphant who elaborates the misgivings of this Information age. The book requires one to brush up on the history on Europe and America. The brushing up helps in reducing confusion during the book as it relays an alternate history with real life characters (Rapatzikou 47). Moreover, the writers display depth in information on the technological capabilities that would be realistic in that period. Majority of novels adopt a utopian perspective in describing technologies in their novels. The culture of this generation still possesses barbaric practices such as slavery and sexism remain in force despite the technological advancement of the era. Other areas such as medicine are left in medieval status (McHale, Brian & Randall

Monday, November 18, 2019

Home to Home Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Home to Home - Essay Example The patient’s journey describes how a person experiences a disease from the initial realisation of the symptoms through the stages of presentation, diagnosis, treatment and adherence to the medication leading to cure, remission or death. Coronary heart disease results from the build-up in the arteries that blocks the blood flow and increases the risk for heart attack and stroke. Its main cause is the development of the heart complications that prevent it from receiving sufficient oxygen as well as nutrient rich blood. The most devastating symptom of the coronary heart disease is the development of abrupt cardiac arrest. Others include chest pain, short breath upon exertion, palpitations and dissiness. Some of the treatment measures administered to the patients suffering from coronary heart disease include aspirin, Beta-blockers and nitro-glycerine. Some of the preventive measures include adoption of a healthy lifestyle during childhood as well as reducing the risk factors. Cri tically analyse the sociological and psychological drivers that impact upon the patient’s journey through any health care setting. Sociological and psychological drivers share common interests in the management of the coronary heart disease. ... This procures the health care providers with an uphill task of undertaking primary research on these patients to ascertain these factors. One of the prominent factors affecting the psychological drive is the occurrence of stress (Ogden, 2009). High levels of stress delays the recovery rate of the patients suffering from the coronary heart disease. Patients under stress cannot strictly follow the treatment or the preventive guidelines. Patients suffering from coronary heart failure may also experience trans-generational and cumulative trauma. Most of them are normally resigned to the fact that they will acquire the disease genetically, making them ignore the keenness measures required for undertaking effective medication (Helman, 2007; Ayers, 2007). Most of the patients may also experience discrimination or racism that may lead to stigma. This slows down the recovery rates, with most of them succumbing to the ailments in severe cases. Sociological Drivers The prominent sociological fa ctor that negatively affects the patient’s journey for those suffering from coronary heart disease in a primary health care setting is the rise in the social media listening programmes (Gray, Degeling and Colebath, 2008; Barrett, Sellman and Thomas, 2005). The social media platform has provided patients with an electronic avenue for sharing the health information through utilisation of the speed of the Internet. Patients are able to become the members of the online family that connects them to the fellow patients and share information related to their conditions. The health care institutions can also tap on the information extracted from the online conversations to enhance

Friday, November 15, 2019

Comparing the suitability of food production systems

Comparing the suitability of food production systems Food and Beverage Operation Management Contents Task 1 Question Task 1 Answer Task 2 Question Task 2 Answer Task 3 Question Task 3 Answer Reference Task 1 Question 1.1) Discuss the characteristics of food production and food and beverage service system 1.4) Justify the suitability of systems for particular food and beverage outlets Task 1 Answer I have been assigned by the management to turn up with a better method in the kitchen to enable the hotel to produce good production in order to cater customer demand. I understand that the hotel currently adopting a conventional traditional production method in the main kitchen as they believe the food must be prepared by experts to maintain quality and the originality of the food itself. Conventional traditional production method is producing utilizing mainly fresh ingredients and traditional cooking methods (Foskett Paskins, 2011). In this system, the organization of the kitchen is based around the division of tasks into areas or groups of people performing analogous task which is highly in cost such as salaries and their equipment although it allows for specialization and development of a high level of skill, however it is labour intensive. Using conventional traditional convection method also means the production of the foods and beverages are masses and need to be similar or above the benchmarks which consume a lot of time to inspect the production and require more workers. In the traditional conventional system, they use the kitchen brigade where there can be many separate sections in the kitchen with staffs performing specific aspects of food production which is lead by the head chef. The method I have chosen which is superior to the conventional method is cook-chill method. Cook-chill method is food production storage and regeneration method utilising principle of low temperature control to preserve the qualities of processed foods. (Foskett Paskins, 2011) It is based on the normal preparation and cooking of food followed by rapid chilling storage in controlled low-temperature conditions above freezing point of 0-3 degree Celsius and subsequently reheating immediately before consumption which is done in the finishing kitchen. It is also used in volume catering such as hospital. In cook-chill system, they also use a traditional partie system which includes the head chef, deputy chef, chef de partie and cook but less staffs because cook-chill system does not use a large area and require minimum staff to work. The reason I chose Cook-chill systems because it requires low capital investment and minimum staff. Almost any food can be cook-chilled provided that the correct methods are used during the preparations. And the ingredients are already been prepared expect for the portioning unlike the traditional conventional method where they had to prepare everything from scratch for example they had to buy the meat fresh from the market or the supplier and send it to the section to cut the meats and preparing it for portioning. The purpose of using cook-chilled system is to prolong its storage life which is ideal since the hotel also caters for the Royal Brunei In-flight Catering. The advantages of using cook-chill system to the customer are it increased variety and selection, where there is a wide range of cuisine to choose from. It also improved the quality of the food because the standards are well maintained. The services can be maintained at all time regardless of staff absences because the foods are already prepared. Furthermore using cook-chill systems are less dependence on price fluctuation. The disadvantages of using cook-chill system are the textures and flavour may changes if the foods are not prepared carefully which can lead to customer dissatisfaction. When customers are not satisfied, they tend to spread the news that the hotel’s restaurant are not up to standard which lead to loss of customers. The service I have chosen for the hotel is American service. American service is portions of food are plated in the kitchen and served to each guest by waiter or waitress. The advantages of using American service are it is fast and simple and also inexpensive because it require less staffs to served the guest. Lastly using American service does not require staff to be highly trained technical staff hence less cost. The disadvantages of using American service are there is less showmanship which means the presentations are not beyond the customers expectation compared to silver service or English service. Finally using American service reduces personalized attention. This is because there is less staff to attend the customer which may affect the satisfaction of the customer. I am going to compare the seven stages in food and beverages between the traditional conventional system and the cook-chill system. Task 2 Question 1.2) Discuss factors affecting recipes and menus for specific system Task 2 Answer As the manager of the food and beverage for The Empire hotel and Country Club and as the supplier for the Royal Brunei In flight catering, I have to discuss the factors affecting recipes and menus for the food and beverage system. The first factor is about the type of menu choose for the in flight catering. There are two types of menu which are ala carte and table d’hote. Table d’hote is a full course meal that offers a limited choice within each course and served at a fixed price (Free Dictionary, n.d). Most airlines use table d’hote because it offers limited menus and use both in the business class and economy class. The prices are fixed which is easier for the airlines to calculate their cost and include it in the ticket bills. Meals that are included in the table d’hote are appetizer such as salad, main course and desert. Ala carte is where the dishes are listed separately and individually priced (A la Carte, n.d). It is not recommendable for airlines to utilize because it is inconvenient and maybe hard for the customers to pay because they may change their money currency to other and maybe it is insufficient. The best meal for in flight would be poultry because chicken is easy to prepare in a healthy way by grilling, roasting, sauteing, poaching, stir-frying and baking. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, we should be eating lean sources of protein, including chicken. However chicken are likely contaminated with Salmonella. Salmonella is a bacterium that occurs mainly in the gut of the poultry which causes food poisoning (Foskett Paskins, 2011). But we make sure it doesn’t happen by checking with our supplier and make sure that our supplier has a certificate that shows they can legally and certified from the government to operate. Healthy eating has become a trend nowadays as according to a study conduct by Nielsen (2015). The percentage of adults around the world is overweight with an increase of 30% over the past 30 years while children are 47%. According to statistic World Health Organization, WHO, shown that 1.6 billion adult are facing overweight and 400 million people are obesity. This is serious problem to the people in the world. Due to this problem, consumers from around the world are starting to become more health conscious. Therefore we will modify the food into more healthier such as using less oil, grilling and using olive oil instead of palm oil. Different people have different needs. Some people have different outcome when consuming food or beverages. The dangerous thing is when they have food allergy which may be fatal if consume. Apart from that, the individual consumer need such as those with special diets for example; consumers with high cholesterol will need low a cholesterol meal while vegetarians will be offered a vegan meal. Other examples are gluten free meal, non lactose meal, low sodium meal, bland meal, high fiber meal, low protein meal, children and infant’s meal (Royal Brunei Airlines, n.d.). That is why individual customer needs special diets such as no sugar or no peanuts. The customers should tell the staffs or in their booking reservation that they need special dietary to ensure that they will receive exceptional meals with special dietary. In accordance to Islamic law, any Islamic airlines are not allowed to serve pork or alcohol unless it is requested by the consumers. But since the Empire Hotel and Country Club Brunei’s restaurant has Halal certification, we will not serve any pork or alcohol. Task 3 Question 1.3) Compare the cost and staffing implications for different systems Task 3 Answer Before I present my proposal to the management, I will make as any changes will incur cost, therefore I will compare the cost and staffing implication for each system which is the traditional conventional method and cook-chill method. From the table above, cook-chilled has proven to be better than traditional conventional method. From the cost associated with products, in conventional method, the ingredients have to bought daily and they need to prepare the ingredient right after it arrives unlike the cook-chill, ingredients are already been cut from the supplier and ready to be chilled to ensure its quality are not degraded which save a lot of time and energy of the staff. Also the finished product of the conventional method cannot last long unlike the cook-chill method where the product can last at least 5 days (Foskett Paskins, 2011). Although the machinery for cook-chill are expensive but for long term investment it is worth because there are less staff needed to operate in the kitchen which means it is easier to handle the kitchen. In addition, there are lesser equipments needed because most of the ingredients are already been prepared (James, 2012). And lastly, only few staffs needed for cook-chill which means fewer salaries to pay to the employee unlike the conventional method where they need more staff to operate in different part of the kitchen and it is hard to keep track of their well being and the work time in the conventional method is longer because they have to prepare the ingredients from scratch (Royal Brunei Airlines, n.d.). Therefore the method I have chosen is better than the hotel current method because it is effective and more efficient working environment to the hotel. Reference,. What Is American Service? Definition And Meaning. N.p., 2015. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.,. What Is The Kitchen Brigade? Culinarylore.Com. N.p., 2015. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.,. Table Dhote Menu // Wine Dine @ Theambassador Hotel Llandudno. N.p., 2015. Web. 28 Apr. 2015. Singh, Hemant. AMERICAN SERVICE ~ FOOD N.p., 2010. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.,. Family Style. N.p., 2015. Web. 27 Apr. 2015.,. Saucier Dictionary Definition | Saucier Defined. N.p., 2015. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. table dhote. (n.d.)Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged. (1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003). Retrieved April 23 2015 from a la carte. (n.d.)Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged. (1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003). Retrieved April 23 2015 from Eat, We. Reports | We Are What We Eat | N.p., 2015. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.,. Inflight Meals Royal Brunei Airlines Australia. N.p., 2015. Web. 23 Apr. 2015.,. Saucier Dictionary Definition | Saucier Defined. N.p., 2015. Web. 27 Apr. 2015. Laksamana College of Business

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Pathos in MLK Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay -- Letter from B

Pathos in MLK, Jr.'s Letter from Birmingham Jail    In his "Letter," Martin Luther King Jr.'s ability to effectively use pathos, or to appeal to the emotions of his audiences, is evident in a variety of places. More particularly in paragraph fourteen, King demonstrates his ability to inspire his fellow civil rights activists, invoke empathy in the hearts of white moderates, and create compassion in the minds of the eight clergyman to which the "Letter" is directed. In response to the clergyman's claim that his use of direct action was "untimely," King states, "We have waited for more than 340 years for our constitutional and God-given rights." As you can see, this statement is in direct relation to the clergyman's "untimely" notion, but one would do good to realize his underlying audience. The "we" in this statement refers to his "black brothers and sisters" taking an active role in the civil rights movement. So what this statement does in terms of pathos is to light the fire of inspiration under his black brothers and sisters and have them realize that 340 yea...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Organic Food Trends Essay

While these two factors affect the source of organic food, it is the retailers themselves who may trigger the fastest and longest-lasting drop in organic food prices. In response to the decline of sales, a looming price war may push organic food prices down to a level comparable to regular foods. The niche of people who are passionate about their organic foods will remain strong regardless of the price. When they were hot just a few months ago, many grocers and health food stores dedicated more space to stay ahead of the demand. Now that the demand has taken a dive, retailers will be trying to gain a stronger share of the shrinking market. Even Whole Foods, known for higher quality and prices to match, is reducing prices and trying to change their public image. It is in this price war that many who have recently abandoned organic foods may return for the same reason that they left: price. The actual cost difference between organic and normal foods is much lower than the retail price difference because perceptions have allowed the premium rates. As perceptions change, grocers will have to sell their normally high-profit organic foods at or below the cost of their normal counterparts. Source: Figure 5. 1: UK organic food and drink: total retail sales and total imports 2002/03 Multiple retailers: 5. 13 Table 5. 5 shows the most recent data we were able to secure on the percentage share of trade between the multiple retailers for organic and the overall grocery market (2000). The data indicate that Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Waitrose and Safeway account for most UK organic sales. In 2003, two multiples, Sainsbury’s and Tesco were responsible for 27% and 27. 5% respectively of UK organic product sales. Table 5. 5: Multiple retailers’ share of trade – Total Organic vs Retailer Share Track (% share of spend, during 52 weeks ending 17 Sept. 2000) Total organics (%)RST (share of overall grocery market, %) Tesco29. 321. 9 Sainsbury’s29. 817. 3 Asda5. 714. 2 Safeway7. 09. 5 Somerfield2. 46. 6 Morrisons1. 44. 9 Iceland1. 43. 2 Marks & Spencer1. 01. 5 Waitrose9. 71. 4 All others12. 319. 5 Source: TNS Source: http://www. scotland. gov. uk/Publications/2005/05/13153740/37488 Why are more people are choosing organic? In 2006, organic food and drink sales nudged the ? 2 billion mark for the first time, and showed a 22% growth overall. Here’s why more people are choosing to buy organic: †¢Taste – Many people tell us they buy organic food because they believe it tastes better. †¢Food safety – Organic farmers, as far as possible, avoid using unnecessary chemical sprays. Food additives linked to asthma and heart disease are among those banned under organic standards. †¢The environment – Organic farming is friendlier to the environment so there is a much greater diversity of birds, butterflies and plants on organic farms. Organic standards ban the use of GM technology. †¢Animal welfare – Organic farming requires animals to be kept in more natural, free-range conditions with a more natural diet. Source: http://www. soilassociation. org/web/sa/saweb. nsf/Living/whatisorganic. html The year 2008 is a year that is going to be dominated by health consciousness. The top 10 food trends that are going to rule the food world are: 1- Eat Healthy! Health is going to be a major consideration that is going to influence our food habits. It would dictate the pattern of the foods patronized and also in turn what would be available in the market. The manufacturers are ready and eagerly waiting to take a cue from the consumption patterns so as to cash in on this multi-million dollar food market. There will, for sure, be an increase in health foods so as to cater to the demand of the potential customer. 2- Packaging Matters! With growing consciousness, it is important that the foods have a good and eco-friendly packaging and have all details specified on the label. These are definitely going to be the ones that would be preferred. 3- Go Local! An increase in importance to local produce is another significant trend that would be witnessed in the year 2008. Customers would prefer to patronize healthy food items that are grown locally. The growing environmental consciousness and an increase in importance to personal health are going are the reasons for this choice. 4- I want Ready-To-Eat! Convenience foods would however, continue to reign supreme. With people getting busier by the day and having very little time on hand, it is important to have more options for ready to eat meals. Complete meals of one or two dishes would be preferred. The studies conducted recently have gone to show that people prefer to eat at home for most part of the week due to health considerations and thus, convenient foods provide the perfect answer to a busy family that is also health conscious. 5- No McDonald’s for kids! With health of the family gaining priority, the healthy kids recipes is another area that is going to increase in importance. With several entrants in the market this trend is only going to grow by leaps and bounds in the coming months. 6- Weight loss meals get trendy! Obesity has come to be another major consideration that has come to have a significant impact on the food related decisions of a family. Weight loss foods that let you manage your weight problem without having to deprive yourself of the daily nutritional requirements is going to find favor in 2008. 7- Substitute capsules with food! With heart diseases and others becoming a major issue, foods that can fight diseases are going to be popular. Foods with antioxidants that have the property of fighting against diseases are what people are looking out for desperately. Keep the diseases at bay with a healthy and active lifestyle. 8- Indulge Yourself! The growing health consciousness is certainly not going to undermine the importance of premium foods that offer a wonderful reason to indulge. Pampering oneself with an array of exotic tastes and flavors – desserts, pies, and chocolate recipes – is going to be an essential part of our lives across the globe. Entertaining and discovering the treasure house that the culinary world offers are going to be a norm that would not change for any reason. 9- Go Veggies! There is definitely going to be a rise in the consumption of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and food with useful bacteria like yogurt. Useful bacteria are going to gain entry into many other food items that are part of our daily diet. 10- Raw Food Rocks! Increase in the consumption of raw food in the form of salads and other enticing dishes is going to be another of the food trends witnessed globally. The benefits of raw food will be explored across the globe. Source: http://my. telegraph. co. uk/butterbites/blog/2008/05/25/top_10_food_trends_for_2008.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Centromere Location and Chromosome Separation

Centromere Location and Chromosome Separation A centromere is a region on a chromosome that joins sister chromatids. Sister chromatids are double-stranded, replicated chromosomes that form during cell division. The primary function of the centromere is to serve as a place of attachment for spindle fibers  during cell division. The spindle apparatus elongates cells and separates chromosomes  to ensure that each new daughter cell has the correct number of chromosomes at the completion of mitosis and meiosis. The DNA in the centromere region of a chromosome is composed of tightly packed chromatin known as heterochromatin. Heterochromatin is very condensed and is therefore not transcribed. Due to its heterochromatin composition, the centromere region stains more darkly with dyes than the other regions of a chromosome. Key Takeaways Centromeres are regions on a chromosome that join sister chromatids whose primary function is for the attachment of spindle fibers in cell division.While centromeres are typically located in the central area of a chromosome, they can also be located near the mid-region or at a number of different positions on the chromosome.Specialized zones on centromeres called kinetochores attach the chromosomes to spindle fibers in prophase in mitosis.Kinetochores have protein complexes that generate kinetochore fibers. These fibers help to orient and separate chromosomes during cell division.In meiosis, in metaphase I, the centromeres of homologous chromosomes are oriented toward opposite cell poles while in meiosis II, spindle fibers extending from both cell poles attach to sister chromatids at their centromeres. Centromere Location A centromere is not always located in the central area of a chromosome. A chromosome is comprised of a short arm region (p arm) and a long arm region (q arm) that are connected by a centromere region. Centromeres may be located near the mid-region of a chromosome or at a number of positions along the chromosome. ​ Metacentric centromeres are located near the chromosome center.Submetacentric centromeres are non-centrally located so that one arm is longer than the other.Acrocentric centromeres are located near the end of a chromosome.Telocentric centromeres are found at the end or telomere region of a chromosome. The position of the centromere is readily observable in a human karyotype of homologous chromosomes. Chromosome 1 is an example of a metacentric centromere, chromosome 5 is an example of a submetacentric centromere, and chromosome 13 is an example of an acrocentric centromere. Chromosome Segregation in Mitosis Prior to the start of mitosis, the cell enters a stage known as interphase where it replicates its DNA in preparation for cell division. Sister chromatids are formed that are joined at their centromeres.In prophase of mitosis, specialized regions on centromeres called kinetochores attach chromosomes to spindle polar fibers. Kinetochores are composed of a number of protein complexes that generate kinetochore fibers, which attach to spindle fibers. These fibers help to manipulate and separate chromosomes during cell division.During metaphase, chromosomes are held at the metaphase plate by the equal forces of the polar fibers pushing on the centromeres.During anaphase, paired centromeres in each distinct chromosome begin to move apart as daughter chromosomes are pulled centromere first toward opposite ends of the cell.During telophase, newly formed nuclei enclose separated daughter chromosomes. After cytokinesis (division of the cytoplasm), two distinct daughter cells are formed. Chromosome Segregation in Meiosis In meiosis, a cell goes through two stages of the dividing process. These stages are meiosis I and meiosis II. During metaphase I, the centromeres of homologous chromosomes are oriented toward opposite cell poles. This means that homologous chromosomes will attach at their centromere regions to spindle fibers extending from only one of the two cell poles.When spindle fibers shorten during anaphase I, homologous chromosomes are pulled toward opposite cell poles but sister chromatids remain together.In meiosis II, spindle fibers extending from both cell poles attach to sister chromatids at their centromeres. Sister chromatids are separated in anaphase II when spindle fibers pull them toward opposite poles. Meiosis results in the division, separation, and distribution of chromosomes among four new daughter cells. Each cell is haploid, containing only half the number of chromosomes as the original cell. Centromere Anomalies Centromeres play an important role by participating in the separation process for chromosomes. Their structure however, can make them possible sites for chromosome rearrangements. Keeping the integrity of centromeres intact is thus an important job for the cell. Centromere anomalies have been linked to various diseases like cancer.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

4 ways your job can impact your health

4 ways your job can impact your health It’s one thing to dislike your job, but it’s another if it’s making you sick. If you’ve been feeling physically and mentally worn down lately and can’t seem to shake it, maybe it’s time to take a hard look at your work life to see if it’s the cause of your health issues. Of course you have to go to work, but recognizing where problems exist and making even small changes can start to put you on the road to wellness. Are you sedentary all day?According to a study done by the American Heart Association (AHA), even if you fit exercise into your life, sitting all day every day can negate the health benefits you’ve gained. The solution? Move even more- as much as you can. Make sure to get up and walk around every hour or so. Walk to the kitchen for water once an hour. Take an office lap every other hour. Get up and get your blood flowing whenever possible.Does your commute stress you out?If you’re spending a ton of time getting to and from work, it’s likely taking a toll on your life attitude. One study done in the United Kingdom earlier this year found people with long commutes are more likely to suffer from depression and work-related stress. If your commute is longer than 10 miles by car or 30 minutes by bus or subway, then it might be negatively impacting your life. You can’t help where your office is located, but do everything you can to make the travel time as restful and enjoyable as possible: try downloading a fun podcast or listening to music that will start your day off right.Are you way overworked?If all your waking hours are spent thinking about work or being at work, you’re likely neglecting all other aspects of your life. In fact, according to a recent study, if you work more than 39 hours a week, your mental and physical health will start to decline. Even if you’re on your couch in pajamas, if you’re logged in and constantly monitoring your work emails the n you’re not getting proper rest. Dedicated time to focus on yourself, your friends, and your family is crucial to maintaining balance- at some point, you need to be able to shut things off and not be at work.Are you surrounded  by germs? (You are.)Did you know that your keyboard, mouse, mousepad, and even I.D. badge are all germ factories? Scary but true: your keyboard in 20,000 times dirtier than a toilet seat. And then there are all the hands you shake and doorknobs or faucets you turn in the course of a day. You’re in an enclosed space with tens or hundreds of people every day- start carrying around that hand sanitizer. And if your office is open plan? It might encourage more collaboration, but it also encourages sharing whatever bug is going around. You might find you’re getting sick more and more often, just by coming to work. Take your vitamins, keep your space clean, and get fresh air when you can throughout the day.Notice a theme here? If you take mom ents out of your day to make sure you are taking care of yourself, your overall health will start to improve.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Virtual Classroom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Virtual Classroom - Essay Example dvisory Group behind the Crick Report was originally formed in 1997: â€Å"To provide advice on effective education for citizenship in schools – to include the nature and practices of participation in democracy; the duties, responsibilities and rights of individuals as citizens; and the value to individuals and society of community activity† (Crick Report, 1998: 4). As these observations and examinations into the National Curriculum were being made, advances in technology were also having an effect on the means by which this type of instruction, as with many other topics, could be transmitted. Technology is having an electric effect upon the way in which pupils learn and the ways in which teachers instruct, reducing the time teachers spend on mundane paperwork tasks and bringing students experiences in ways that have never before been possible while also attempting to bridge, to some extent, the so-called digital divide. Whether this is ultimately more or less effective than traditional methods of instruction alone will depend to a large degree on the way in which lessons are approached and how technology is used to enhance education rather than simply providing entertainment. To understand the ways in which Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can be used to enhance inclusion and citizenship instruction to students, this paper will examine current practices by examining the ways in which ICT has been used thus far and discussing whether these uses have been effective educational tools. In making their recommendations for the revision of the National Curriculum, the National Union of Teachers (2005) cited the National Foundation for Educational Research: â€Å"from the pupil’s point of view, the curriculum should be ‘fun’ and ‘interesting’ †¦ it should be kept practical and challenging †¦ pupils should be given responsibility for their own work and a chance to work independently †¦ above all, pupils want greater connection of the